ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

i got some pucks that are ideal size for palm pucks, that have a very tiny bevelled edge to them.

does anybody have any thoughts or experiences that they would like to share about corian and their use as slide pucks?

Tags: corian, puck, pucks, slide, sliding

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i work with corian and there arer some things that you might meed to know. the dust is nasty as hell like mdf dust. it as in it can cause nasel cancer so wear a mask when cutting.also any wood saw will cut it. it might cihp a bit but you be fine.

if dont have a router to put a bigger bevel on it get some 80 grip sand paper. it doesnt take too long.

im gonna try and scam some more 100 to 110mm disc of it, if anyone wants some.

thanks for the info Davey.
Isaac said:
Got my samples...
But they only gave me one big 4x4"!
Reckon I should get them to send another sample to a neighbour?
Oh and these things feel a little heavy, nedd have you got them on some gloves yet? - Are they ok?
Oh and mine weren't bevelled as nicely as yours,yours are about 4 times more bevelled than mine!

yeah i whacked em on the gloves...i've done heaps of carpark sessions with them and they are awesome...thery barely wear... not too heavy...i know they feel it but yeah its not bad.

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