ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

When will benbros pro model ( haymaker ) be released and does anyone have a picture of the graphic?

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Should be released in the next week or so,but then getting one will take longer depending what number you are on the list

so keen and could i get a one with a 9.75 inch width?


Rob Mcwhinnie said:

what the fuck!!! second time this has happened to me on this thread

Rob Mcwhinnie said:


ooo if you edit after you post it actually posts a comment... twice on this thread ive tried posting a comment and it didnt post anything

Hey Greg, I'm pretty sure all the dimensions on this one are set. Also if they did you a custom width you'd be all the way at the back of the line you have to expect a 2-3 month extra wait.

I wouldn't bother with a custom width anyway, the board is freaking amazing, I was lucky enough to get a prototype version before the graphic was sorted.

Not long now people.
yeah owen i was just wondering cause i think that it would be too wide for my size 7.5 feet?

I think you would find it pretty good. not much of a wait now.

how long and wide is it roughly?

yae long and so wide, roughly

between 9.5" and 10" wide, 33" - 36" long

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