ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

So lately I have noticed that Allot of riders have been moving to other teams, Abec11 being the one K-rimes and James kelly have moved too, leaving gaps open for new riders.


and I have noticed that more brands are looking at the Aussie riders more and more for new recruits, so go crazy and state which Aussie riders you would like to get picked up and by whom.


I think Benbro should get picked up by Otang the guy riders super fast is awesome to ride with and all around a great guy.


please feel free to be wild.

and don't hate on me for starting this thread, I am crippled and stuck at home with nothing to do.

Tags: sponsors

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Yeahhh!!! benny for otang would be rad. he reps his tang wheels for sure.
Leif Erikson longboards might be doing something in melbourne in the coming months.......
go for it boys if you dont ask you dont know....fuk yeah benny,,, but go for abec :)
some one just give benbro hella dollar bills. he kills it, and deserves it.
Otang have cut racers budgets according to Kev. They are wanting to concentrate more on Adam Colton type stuff and less racing type stuff. If your a free ride then get in there and let them know your around!
I'm looking for a sponsor that can help me get to canada
Take about. GET IT? A-booot?  ahaha i crack myself up some times.

Kelly Carter said:
I'm looking for a sponsor that can help me get to canada
No not really.....

Caspian 'CastoK' Baska said:
Take about. GET IT? A-booot?  ahaha i crack myself up some times.

Kelly Carter said:
I'm looking for a sponsor that can help me get to canada
I'll start up a sale and stuff closer to the date

Wheres my prototypes cunt.

I can pay you for those wheels whenever I see you, I dont need bearings.

Pretty sure me and Henry will get sponsored by kingslys chicken pretty soon. 

I have an offer for any brand

Sponser me, And get this

You dont have to give me a single thing maybe like 1 set of wheels per year

And I will post your logo on all my videos

Wear your shirt

Tell everyone to buy your shirt

And just make you seem awesome(even if you arent)

We call those freinds
charlie harris said:

I have an offer for any brand

Sponser me, And get this

You dont have to give me a single thing maybe like 1 set of wheels per year

And I will post your logo on all my videos

Wear your shirt

Tell everyone to buy your shirt

And just make you seem awesome(even if you arent)

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