Keep an eye out for the feature story on A Current Affair tomorrow night.
'Skateboard hooligans, morons with a death wish'
I did an interview today with ACA will be interesting to see how it goes on the cutting room floor. From the title I assume its gonna be a massacre.
Won't get a chance to watch this. Any chance of someone sticking up a youtube clip or some such after it airs?
ahaha yeaaa robbo saw this ad on the t.v tonight!
the ad for it looks merciless.
Well....that should be some quality viewing.
It scares me that I share a world with people who watch ACA and shows like it.
Noooo, never speak to ACA. You have sold your soul without knowing it Robbo, they suck it without you noticing!
Post it up afterwards folks. I wanna see!
Yeah I new full well what was going on. I used to chase every news story that would happen on skating but these days I don't really care that much. Any news be that good or bad seems to attract more and more kids to the sport. And lets face it following ACA as your main news source is like reading Who Weekly to find out whats happening in the Middle East - its not that influential, they have no impact on anything, its just trash entertainment TV.
the main up side is that its 6.30 'news' doing the story and not a program like 60 minutes and the people who are going to take it seriously are the people who already dislike the sport
Yea, it will be rad! Every one of these news stories has rad clips of skating in it which a lot of people will dig and for those who don't well, that's your right and move on with your life. All is good, hopefully some gnarly footage! I miss the days of longboarding being exxxtreme and people saying ''that's crazy''. Now it's al bloody butterflies and rainbows! As the Hopkin hat says ''I love haters!''
post that shit up i wanna see it
i cant see that report on aca site that could be a good thing. jacko the words you use are could someone post that shit please i would lke to see it.
should have recorded it and when they cut all of the footage send the real tape to an opposing news station. start a war
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