Time: March 22, 2012 at 6pm to April 30, 2012 at 7pm
Location: TBA
Event Type: australian, slalom, series
Organized By: MOSS, CROSS, NACCOS, BMB, and others TBA
Latest Activity: Jun 25, 2012
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Let’s get some proposed dates for the 2012 Cone Head Cup
At the Canberra round there was talk of getting dates in early from the local event organisers.
Some points made at the ASRA meeting were.
The series was put together a bit last minute this year and numbers may have been down due to this.
The Local organisers did a great job saving the series this year.
The ball is now rolling!
I’m not trying to take over the running, Just really keen to have a great series next year.
I can remove this if you have a different plan for discussion but I thought it would stay visible here.
Melbourne (MOSS) November (Date TBA)
Canberra (CROSS) Sat September 29th Stromlo & Sun 30th Ainslie
Blue Mountains (BMB) July/ Aug tight / December SSG (Date TBA)
Central Coast (NACCOS) October (Date TBA)
Townsville (BTB)
Sydney Maybe?
QLD event ??
Adelaide ??
Any other thoughts on revamping the series?
I Will post this on charliedontskate also.
Easier to keep discussions in one spot but im happy to bring info accross if needed as its probably a half and half thing of what site the guys use.
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Why not a two day event Mick, like Canberra and Central coast ?
Tight on the Sat and SGS on the Sunday
Sydney venue (Pumpstation ) can host two events in the calendar year a fast and tight hybrid from mid station early in the season and an SGS to finish off the season ,No booking, no fee's, great venue.Would be great to have a winter race in the mountains .Spring time gets a bit windy Just chucking it out there. the best and most underutilised slalom spot in the whole farking world !!
Ok, so far we have the following dates:
Canberra - 29 Sep to 1 Oct 2012 (Labour Day weekend) [CROSS to confirm]
Central Coast - October
Melbourne - November
Sydney / Blue Mtns - December
Please update with further information.
Hey guys,
I'm studying event management and am planing a slalom event at Springvale in late May, 26th or 27th depending on the council. Just thought I'd let you know, I'll be creating an event on here once the ditch is confirmed.
Great to see this discussion.
I think the local groups coped ok last year.
.... Slalom Series is what i called it when dealing with permits, ..... Slalom Cup sounds good.
Would not like to do a mid winter event - the ditch is never dry - I got the feeling a bit of concentration at the end of the year helped interest even tho the lead time was lacking once it all got rolling and there hadn't been much promotion of slalom for a long time.
If the desire is to have a series that can be promoted we need to lock in venues early and that means the local organisers securing event or road permits and paying for permits and insurance.
Wyong Council is keen to see it happen here again which would mean booking between other users if we were to use Wadalba again - October. (Warmer weather gives a better chance of drying the ditch.) So I would vote for Central Coast in October.
I would like to set up the 100 cone there using the whole top and the bottom carpark. Or if it holidays we could use the road to nowhere.
Keen to carry on with a NACCOS rounds this year.
ASRA Slalom Cup sounds good to me.
I'll start some talks with the crew & see what dates we can work out.
We'll look at doing it in the june, july, august period to fill in the gap I guess.
I hope to do a few smaller slalom type races in feb or march to get the hype going & find a venue for the 101 cone challenge.
I like ASRA Slalom Cup. As Marek notes, it keeps a bit of the old flavour.
Alternatively Bernie's ASSC suggestion is fine. Don't know about Scotty's ASSS suggestion tho, the acronym is a bit unfortunate!
Summer is shaping up to be Australia's downhill season, so keeping slalom in the middle to second-half of the year is preferable I think. I don't have any specific date suggestions at the moment but will liaise with a few people to see if we can get a provisional calendar in place. Thanks to CROSS for already confirming dates!
Marek - I think Waratah park would be a great venue. As far as I know it can be booked for an event. I'll find out more tomorrow when we skate there.
For names we could just call it the "ASRA Slalom Cup", gets rid of the kookiness of "conehead" but keep the word "cup" as a nod the to the old days. The number one ranked racer at the end of calendar year gets the gong.
Sydney needs a legal race in the mix this year. Could we go legal at Warratah Park Sutherland? We could have two races there mild GS suited for long boarders and Hybrid jam or head to head on the bottom section. For timing I recon mid winter in Sydney is a good time to race.
Some name suggestions posted on Charlie
Australian Slalom Skateboarding Series (ASSS) from Scotty
Australian Skateboard Slalom Championship (ASSC) from Bernie
Bernie has proposes May and November for Mlb
Cross looks like being close to confirming 29th and 30th Sept for the Canberra round.
Added entertainment – Seems like the 101 cone challenge was a hit but this may not work at all venues.
Penny or oldschool class is also getting some following.
Someone mentioned making a more open course class to suit other board types that the less geared up may enter.
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