ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

It is the World Championships at Newton's Playground this year. Late November a new IGSA World Champion will be crowned. Ladies, here is your chance to be a World Champiion. All you have to do is win one race ... and maybe place in a heat or qualifier.

Hopkin Racing wants to find a woman to represent Australia at Newtons Playground. Put Australia on the map. It is us against them. Your country needs you. I do not think many women are reading these pages, so I also need everyone on this website to be on the look out for a skater chick. How perfect is that - this is your chance to legitimately go up to, introduce yourself and talk to that awesome skater girl at your local skatepark. No excuses - DO IT.

Here's the deal.
Standup only. Sorry no luge or inline, bikes etc.
They have to be Australian or have Australian citizenship and skate as an Australian. At the end of the day, that is what it is all about.
The lady needs to be minimum 16 years old. If she is 16, I need to speak to her parents.
Ideally she is 18 or older. No age limit.
She has to have been skateboarding for at least 4 years. Less if she is gifted. I really want someone that has grown up on a skateboard. It does not matter if she has never been on a longboard, if she can hold her own at the skatepark with the boys, I'm interested.
I need this person to train to race on Mount Panorama. Scary but true. Not that hard, if they are good on a skateboard, but they will need to have no fear.
She will need to be able to join a crew or be part of a group that skates regularly. Ideally once a week.
What does she get?
Full race setup. A starter board to see if likes the sport. This can be upgraded to a better board later. I will endeavour to upgrade all her gear, trucks, wheels, bearings etc. She gets a generic set of leathers. If she races at Newton's she gets a set of njs leathers. Full race set up includes safety gear, gloves helmet.
I know what you are thinking. I'll get my girlfriend to apply and I'll get the gear when she quits. Think again. I am not handing out race gear to everyone. I will pick one person. Actually I do not think I will find anyone so please, ladies, prove me wrong.
Finders fee? If someone on asra finds me a suitable person to sponsor, and they are not related or in a relationship. They get rewarded. I have not decide on what that is but I will be very happy to find someone to competitively represent ASRA and Australia. The reward could easily be a dream setup.
So there it is.
An Australian woman to skate down Mt Panorama. Does such a person exist?

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Hey there, my name is Hannah. I have been skating for around 5 years now. The last 3 have been mainly with carve boards. I competed at newtons last year ( however competing carve wise is a little like snail races compared to downhill!). I was contacted by a wicked skater (owen) down here in Canberra and we went for a roll on his decks. He showed me the ropes and to say the least i'm hooked!! If you have already found your girl thats great but i would like to get as much info on downhill as possible. Just where to go for comp's, qualifying for them and any info on the best set up for me. I will definitely keep rolling...hopefully faster and faster :) so any info from anyone would be fantastic.

Oh yeah forgot to say that i skate with a group that has a few girls. Im not sure if all of them are up for the speed but I think i could convince one to roll with me an hopefully she will get hooked too! I guess a crew of Aussie girls will have a better chance of getting Australia a placing :)
great to hear Hannah. best thing for you to do is try out peoples boards and figure out which one suits you most. look into Landyachtz, Rayne and Kebbek. They are the top DH board manufacturers and have a heap of boards to choose from. I would definitely recommend GLYDE here in Oz, but you'll have to ask them as they have just sold their last batch for the time being.
anyway, keep up the questions. good to see more women getting into the sport.
Thanks for the endorsement Jeremy!! so nice of you.. For the record, she is progressing well ( although has been hitting the slalom in more recent weeks) and ready for some challenging sessions.. Speaking of which, we are due for a roll..

Sponsorship is definately something that plays on my mind, whether it's possible for me, and obviously would make tackling that massive mountain more appealing with new gear that fits properly and doesn't smell of the 10 men that wore the leathers i wear before me!! So Hop, give Kurt a call and i'm sure we can get some stills and some footage to you..

Jeremy Rodgers said:
try Mel Kurt's girl she has been charging lately and really want to take on Bathurst she rode upzy's the other day but the key would be to give Kurt a call to find out how she's progressing
If you find a candidate in time send her to GoFastSpeedDays as a warm up for Newtons, I ll make sure I capture heaps of images for you to use in promoting the Womens Downhill scene...
good stuff,this disscussion has been great for the sport and could be the start of somthin great,if nothing else, it has brought the women longboarders out and i had now idea there was this many,i think the ladies have got to get involved and start riding with the best riders in their state,get to the sessions and soon u gals will surely be able to match it with the rest of the world,i see a big future with womens longboarding worldwide,be great to see aussies right there in the mix,...look out Brianne,
Hey Hop, Hope you good champ, dont know if you have anyone yet. A friend of mine is just startin out in downhill. She has ridden short boards all her life and is keen to give bathurst a go. We have had her on the hills and she is l a fast learner anyway bud if your interested drop us a line . Have a great day Champ.
so was i right on the money with taz bein your girl hop?

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