ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Hey guys

So me and a few friends will be taking a roadtrip from Melbourne to Byron Bay this June, and we were wondering if anyone could give us some inside scoop on some good hills we can hit on the way :). Unfortunately we will be going with other none skaters so we have to take them into consideration and not detour too far away from the main highway.

Also, are there any good spots around Byron Bay as well?

Thanks in advance guys.

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burringbar range the old highway has a couple of runs,,pheonix park just outside byron isnt too bad and the run from the byron light house is pretty good but not really for beginers it gets a bit quick...just explore along the way and you will find somthing..cheers
thanks leeso, will definitely check out the places you mentioned.
in VIC (its not quite on the way) check out falls creek or Tawonga gap... then when you get into Canberra you can hit Discovery Drive, brindabella rd, black mountain and theres a couple of other runs around there too. When you get into the Wollongong area theres Macquarie Pass and Mt Keira, then in the Sydney area there is Galston Gorge, Berowra waters, bobbin head road (a bit rougher but alright) then bits of the old pacific hwy. When you get up towards Buladelah on the central coast turn off onto the Lakes Way towards Forster and theres a new fresh paved peice of downhill waiting to be shredded, got some cool corners on it. Then head up to Tallwoods village (new housing estate around a golf course) just passed forster theres some sick hills theres. Your next stop is Dorrigo mountain for some serious tech downhill. then the Gwydir Hwy just out side of Grafton (i think theres a good DH run there) and thats pretty much all i know, Byron bay is a few hours after Grafton so the other boys can help you from there.

get in touch with roller-mate sean he is an encyclopedia of hills in this country....
awesome stuff, thanks jacko. yeah falls creek looked good but i think its too big a detour. Dorrigo sounds awesome i'm into tech runs. Will definite plan our route to hit the some of the spots you mentioned.
I think you've covered it there well and truly Jacko. Personally, I think things like Macquarie Pass should never be mentioned on the net - bear in mind its a major highway and can be very busy. You wouldn't want to be in Falls Creek in June anyway probably. Mt Kiera and Dorrigo are probably the pick along the way, the Lakes Way run has an unfortunate rough ending and can also be quite busy.
we skated the lakes way the other week on the way up to QLD, the rough ending isn't too bad really but its a fun little run and we saw barely any cars when we rode it
tell me when u get to byron yes?
haha, yeah sure, i'll post an update when we decide when we'll be going. we plan to take 3 days to get to byron, stopping at spots to skate. I'm just gonna trust sean here and go mark down dorrigo and mt. kiera.
well when u go to Mt keira give us a yell. i will get a crew together and have a sick day n show u all the rad spots in the area
that sounds awesome, but i have to warn you that we're still fairly new to the dh scene so we won't be taking things up too fast just yet, don't think we'll bomb anything all the way, will keep speeds in check footbraking and stuff. but we're definitely always keen on watching pros tear up the roads and learn from you guys.
if you can footbreak you will have no trouble what-so-ever making your way down mt keira. Its a fun road and we take a lot of newbies there all the time, you can carve down the road and footbreak and will never go over the 50km/h mark or you could mach 10 and hit around 70-80, the choice it up to you. all you need to do is know whats around the next corner and you figure that out after 2 or 3 runs, just like on any hill. It would be a lot easier for you with one of us guys there just to show you the way down the hill the safest, so let me know when your keen to hit it up
sounds like a plan jacko, will post an update as soon as we finish planning the trip.

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