ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

all the crew who live on the gold coast or vegas area heres the pace if your keen for a always looking for new hills and new people to ride with so lets get together and put urethane to bitumen..i kNow your out there

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yeeha 2 weeks free for the next couple so anyone up for a roll after boxing day im keen as...we need to get in some big days of skating over the break,,so post up get out there...merry christmas to all...
thank god for holidays, the boys have returned from vico and are keen to get some skating in Leeso, so we will give you a call after boxing day bud. Hope to see yas on the hills boys and girls. Have a great Christmas break and stay safe all.
merry xmas all, just out of hospital with a new shoulder typing left handered sux arse. i'll be filming boyz so come pick me up or roll round mine. hope santa brings you all the goods.
Hey everyone i just joined and hopefully ill come riding with you guys one day.
Just one question does everyone ride just for speed?
hey bro yeah come for a roll i'm out filming for a while but their is rolls on all the time.nice goldy crew getting bigger again
ill be out rolling tomorrow if anyone is around..maybey a session out at jezzas,,some nice hairpins,,2b2's or drift on the back number is 0438669454 for anyone who hasnt got it..
jezza i hope the shoulder isnt giving you too much greif bro,,we'll stop in and pick u up..
Ah damn i would have been up for this but i fell backwards yesterday and may have broken my wrist or at least sprained it badly.
hey crew well what a year hey, massive for downhill with bathurst, Team Australia representing at a lot of IGSA races and 2009 is looking at being bigger !! the snowball is rollin now and growing so it will take a bit of effort from everyone to keep it all going. Too all the boyz thanks for your support and once again it was a pleasure to roll with you all, too ASRA Team big ups for all the work that made the year it was, sorry we missed the conehead cup but the bank balance took a battering this year. Wishing everyone a very happy new years and se you all on the hill next year. Hope to have boards for sale this year finger crossed. Peace and farewell 2008.
hey guys ive been off the net for a few weeks so havent been able to post up our skate sessions..aussie day long weekend so lets get out for a roll..i think pete is keen to come down the coast so post up if your in..
hey guys had a great haipin session with the boys on sunday it was good to see nath back out on the board..pete has a few crew coming down from the sunny coast this weekend so another sunday session will be on..we will start out at jezzas around 10 and go from there..
Hey Guys sorry i don't think we are going to make it up with pete this weekend but am keen to roll with you Guys, so it might be the following weekend after pete heads out to the snowy mountains cheers Leeso. regards Joe
Hey boyz, keen for a roll this weekend if not at Jezzas by the time you leave we will call and find you.

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