ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

all the dirt on the canbrah skate scene!

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sweet idea lads, we should have a christmas slash folowed by bbq and hanging out at some point in the not to distant future, when's good? i was thinking the 19th?
It is a sweet idea dude I'm in....Though the 19th is my Birthday and unfortunately I am working. then the next day is my family christmas party. So I would love to come but depending on the dates I may not be able to make it. Also are you up for a Sunday morning again?
bugger, hell's yeah im up for a sunday morning, i'm heading down the coast this weekend, next sunday i could do....i finish up work on the 18th so depending on other peoples plans maybe we could fit in a mid week chrissie do... are you working every day?
No I'm not, I have a few days off over the next one or so weeks. Then it gets hectic before I leave for America. Sorry for being a piking bitch.
chill bra, you gotta do what you gotta do!
Well what time are you heading off on the weekend? Can we fit an early Sat morn sess?
Also one last thing. The T-shirt designs are done well they will be done once you guys tell me what you think of them. I was not going to reveal them until they were printed but it appears that the printing part is going to be a bit more work then I thought. What I am proposing to you guys is... Will you help fund these shirts? I have not yet gotten them priced but due to the extensive amounts of colours on them I could imagine that they aren't going to be cheap.
SO.... who's in? if they are to expensive and I can't afford them and have no help, the project very well may be canned until a later date if ever. So take a look and tell me what you think.

dude, that's gnar as!!!!
i'm so excited, i;m a medium....
henry your a large cotton shrinks I'm a medium, and dude that looks just like me in my sweet red jeans.
Ok tomorrow I was thinking that we should hit up this Dickson car park that I have been talking about for some time now. Its not super fast or technical but its fun. So here it is we will meet in the carpark out the front of ACTTAB and park there because last time I was there the crazy Asian proprietor nearly pulled a gun on us. It will still have cars in it at about 6 but that just makes it better. See you tomorrow.

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sounds sweet, im gonna try make it cause its heaps close to my house. 6pm?
i'm down, see you at 6

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