ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

all the dirt on the canbrah skate scene!

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that might be easier dude, cause we'll be staying with family, hopefully it doesn't rain! you should totally have a skate too man
by the way, we all on for tomorrow?
im up for a skate tomorrow
every tuesday till the end of time.
good to see, owen dude, you gotta chuck a sickie on thurs...
how would I ever do that I have been able to have one sick day in a year and a half and no holidays, been saving them all up for newtons.
it's just a job....hey i'm pretty sure you took your sunnies the other day, where would they be in my van?
Yeah I'm in for tomorrow man, finally, gotta do your interview Henry. As for Thursday I think ryan and I will probably drive ourselves up we will just follow you up there. Also I was speaking to Robbo today on the phone and they were going to assess the weather tomorrow and decide whether we would be going to the bluey's or not. He mentioned something about Kiera if its to wet that means we could probably go up early thursday morning if need be.
And dude i plan on having a skate, Robbo's bringing some Venom's for me to chuck in and i get a full face tomorrow, though my body is mutilated from Sunday.
noone can work, no in the station wagon I will have a look around.
o'malley is on for sure!
rad sesh tonight lads, standup slides, yeeeeew!
hey lads, how does everyone feel about a possible kiera, 7 pins or some other hill road trip on tuesday??? keen for sunday, weather uphere is rubbish

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