rode with these guys tonight, awesome guys, who like to shred. Lids are personal, same as knee pads, i aint saying that riding without a lid is a good idea or anything but its a personal decision, at the end of the day just be stoked there are more guys shredding in the flat and fair city of melbourne
Why would you post a video where you aren't wearing helmets then tell them to wear them bit hypocritical it doesn't matter what speed your going you can still do major damage.
I have bin saved multiple times while wearing my helmet and if i didn't have one i would be dead now.
is he riding hard wheels.... oh fuck yeah, he a techslider me thinks. It looks like its up in strathmore, thats not far at all from me if you want to shred man.
But wear a helmet,
I'm prepared and I know its not smart, we were only doing it at low speeds but thats no excuse. Kids, wear your helmets we could have hurt ourselves rather badly.
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