ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

It should be simple - the fastest guy down the hill wins. And while a China Bomb has a certain charm, we've gone the extra mile to come up with a way to run Newtons 2013 so that everybody gets the maximum amount of runs and stoke, while making sure that the fastest guy down the hill still wins.

It's a brand new format that has never been used before at World Cup level. Read below for all the gory details.

Open skateboard


Practice and timed runs


Seeds 1-48 (based on Friday's timed runs) race a 48-man round-robin (3 groups of 16). This is used to seed them for Sunday's finals. They have already qualified for those finals.

Seeds 49-112 (based on Friday's timed runs) race a 64-man round-robin (4 groups of 16). The top 4 from each group advance to Sunday's finals.

Seeds 113 and lower take no further part of the race. They only get to skate on Friday.


Traditional 64-man bracket with a twist - double-elimination for the first two rounds.

The Nitty Gritty

Each round robin on Saturday is seeded into separate groups of 16 that are equivalent in standard. Within each group of 16 the riders race each other exactly once, and points are tallied. The final placings in each round robin
are determined by:

  1. Placing within group of 16, with ties broken by
  2. Points tally, with ties broken by
  3. Friday's qualifying time.

Womens skateboard


Practice and timed runs


None. (All women will be racing in the opens anyway)


Three women-only practice runs, followed by a one-run final.

Junior skateboard


Practice and timed runs


None. (Almost all juniors will be racing in the opens anyway.)


Traditional 32-person bracket with 4-man heats. This bracket will be seeded based on Friday's times (not Saturday's race results).

Street Luge and Classic Luge


Practice and timed runs


Five practice runs


Traditional 16-person bracket with 4-man heats.

Views: 2411

Tags: IDF World Cup, newton's nation, race format

Comment by Unkle on April 8, 2013 at 15:57

YA Bugs! this is awesome. If all goes well in Auz we'll run something similar in Whistler

Premium Member
Comment by Grits on April 8, 2013 at 19:52

Bugs do you think luge will get the 5 runs first thing in the morning on saturday?

ASRA Admin
Comment by Bugs on April 8, 2013 at 22:24
The plan is for two of the runs early in the morning, and then three towards the end of the day, allowing for a lunch/snooze/equipment change break.

But am happy to be flexible on this - there's no strong reason for me to have it any particular way, so make a request.
Comment by Michael English on April 9, 2013 at 16:25

will the people riding multiple disciplines get a chance to practice both??

ASRA Admin
Comment by Bugs on April 9, 2013 at 17:02

There'll be plenty of time for practising multi-disciplines on Friday.

On Saturday and Sunday it'll be a bit more difficult. I'm happy to be flexible and if there's an opportunity for you to take a quick practice run between heats without fear that you'll miss your own heat, then go for it.

Comment by Michael English on April 9, 2013 at 18:55


ASRA Admin
Comment by Bugs on April 9, 2013 at 21:28

The detailed running order for Saturday and Sunday is here:

Newton's Nation 2013 Running Order

Note that this is still a work in progress - it may be refined over coming weeks, and things always go a little differently on the day anyway...

Premium Member
Comment by David Penny on April 12, 2013 at 15:10

Since im a junior, if i dont get in the top 112 out of everyone would I be knocked out on friday?

ASRA Admin
Comment by Bugs on April 12, 2013 at 16:20

David, only the top 112 of the opens race on Friday. Currently we have 115 people in the opens, but if things go anything like recent years there will be a few people who do not race on Friday due to injury or just being freaked out by the hill, so I don't expect (m)any racers will miss out. And if some do miss out we can still allow 5 practice runs for them on Saturday.

Also, the top 32 Juniors will race on Sunday in the Juniors finals. Last time I checked we had exactly 32 juniors, so as long as no more Juniors register, they're all in the finals.

Premium Member
Comment by Daniel Witchey on April 21, 2013 at 0:14

Thats a mad format, good work guys, really looking forward to this! 

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