ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

  We woke to a bright sunny day, it was on. We arrived at the track a set up safety barriers as the influx of competetors starterd around 9;30 and the comtinued to arrive right up until racing started. There were alot of first timers out and the more experienced guys were only to willing to offer advice and help with gear. Grits was rippin as a fist timer and his skills improved with every run was great to watch along with Davin Gemmel another newby. Nearly all the girls were having their first race except for Emily, Katie was rippin all day and was another good one to watch. After rego we had the draw and heats were worked out then it was off to the start with the first group of riders. There was some really tight racing with alot of the groms charging hard down the track needless to say the was quite a bit of carnarge.  56 riders in four rounds of three man heats after all the heats had been run there were five riders who had came first in all their heats Merrick Wildash, Matthys van Lille,Conner Young, Matt Pascoe and Myles Brochardt with Ben Hay and Steve Daddow hot on their heels.

  After the heats  the top 18 advanced into the finals. Along with the top 6 groms and 4 girls. Starting with the groms the 6 of them raced off in two man heats with the three winners into the final. It was a close race with Chad Gibson crossing the line first with newby Jaiden Beilby in second and Matthys van Lille in third. In the consolation final all three groms were all together into the last corner when Lewis Carrol and Rory Tobin came together and the seas parted for Ryan Baigent to roll through and take the race and claim 4th.

  It was then the girls turn to take to the track its was two girl heats with the winners into the main final. Emily was the standout for the day with Rat not far behind. Unfortunatly for Rat she fell which the the door open for fist timer Maga to take the win and progress into the final with Emily after she had taken down Kaite another 1st time racer. Emily continued to ride solidly to take first but Maga was super stoked to take second. In the consy Katie pushed out hard as Rat kissed the pavment again, Katie held onto the lead and took out third with Rat cracking into the last section not far behind. Well done to all the girls you were all getting faster as the day went and confidence grew. A special mention to Rat who fell hard several times during the day but kept on getting on.

 Now  we were onto our final 18, which included several groms as well as a couple of the pro's Steve,Dennis, Ben and crowd favourate Arbi. It started with three man heats 3rd being dropped then it was 2 man heats and the racing became really tight with everyone fighting for a spot in the next round. Six skaters left the crowd was being shown some great racing by the boys, the cheers from the crowd encouraging them to go harder. The Final was packed with talent with Gymp's showin the way with Mat and Ash up against Jr world champ Mez. It was an action packed final the boys were all over each other all the way down with Mat out in front comin into the final corner with Ash right behind. Mat held his line and took first with Mez getting past Ash to take second.

Presentation happened soon after the winners of the opens recevied boards and cash. Prizes were given down to 12 in the opens and all the girls got somthing as well as the winning groms had so many great prizes donated by great supporters (Get out there and return the favour support those that support you). A BIG Thanks to these guys who keep the stoke going, DADDOW SKATEBOARDS, CRE8TIVE SK8, EARLY SKATEBOARDS, SKATEMENT BOARDS, HEELSIDE MAGAZINE, FIBERTECH, GOODTIME, CONCRETE LINES,SECTOR9, BOARDSTORE, TIM WRIGHT AND WIP.

     A special thanks too all who helped us out Arbi thanks bud for runny around your a legend, Lance for the gas and Old mate on the barbie, sorry champ didnt get your name but thanks for your help. And THANKS to all those who came out for the day racers and spectators alike you all made it a rad day. SIC CLINTS.



Views: 281

Tags: G5, brisbane, monkeypig, monkypig

Premium Member
Comment by Adam on March 29, 2011 at 23:10
Yep what Mez said. Mega thanks to all the hard workers and special mention to all the crew taking photo's, recording the day for all to see.

Premium Member
Comment by Bullet Man on March 29, 2011 at 23:16
What TIM said.... That was so much fun guys. Cheers..
Comment by Matthew Pascoe on March 30, 2011 at 0:03
Thanks again to MONKYPIG for running such a large event so smoothly!
Was great to see so many new groms ripping and so much stoke.
MPD will go down in history!
Comment by matty leadfoot on March 30, 2011 at 8:52

The vibe was electric, thank you everyone, a truly awesome day!

Such a great group of skaters! Every one of them SUPER stoked.



Comment by mack daddies daddie on March 30, 2011 at 11:58
there is a path in toohey forest thats faster and longer than the gateway but will need to be cleaned 2 blowers and few brooms should sort it ......should have one there
Comment by tom Crane on March 30, 2011 at 13:35

fark i wish i could have made this


hey blake ive heard about that path before, which road does it come off?

Comment by Joe on March 30, 2011 at 18:17
Definately one of the funnest and most chilled out events ever. well done guys!! you nailed it!

Premium Member
Comment by Grits on March 30, 2011 at 18:32

Such a good event!

When i first rocked up and saw the hay bales and the matresses i thought to myself this day is gunna be a blast. And it was, Jamie and the lads had their stuff dialed in.

The Rego was smooth and easy, there was an awesome little lotto ball machine for the draws, the BBQ was so good you had to go back for more, and that corn was unreal. The $1 drinks meant no one was going thirsty. Combine all that with an unbelievably good venue, and that was MonkyPig Derby.

Great Job, and i can't wait for the next one.

Comment by mack daddies daddie on March 30, 2011 at 18:52
i dunno only been showed once will take note next time witch will be soon ......there is a car park you park in with a few tablen chairs and just follow the path down hill

Premium Member
Comment by JamieGwillim on March 30, 2011 at 19:13

Anyone get a photo of pokey and his chops?


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