ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Patrick coffey
  • Male
  • Darwin, NT
  • Australia
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Patrick coffey's Friends

  • Kyle Taylor
  • sol ewart
  • Jayden Mitchell
  • storm1N
  • Jake Dyason
  • Phil Bartlett
  • Stephen Daddow

Patrick coffey's Groups


gRip it up!

Profile Information

What type of racing do you like?
Downhill, Sliding, Flatland, Luge

The Quiver

Landyachtz 9two5

  • zombie hawgs
  • Bear grizzlys
  • Vicious grip
  • Bones Red's standard


Sector 9 DH Division Annika

  • O'tang Durians 83a (purps)
  • Paris 180's (crimson slide.... ohhh yeh)
  • Vicious grip
  • Bones Red's standard


Rayne Killswitch mini - still coming from america =(

  • Metro Micro Motions
  • Gullwing Stalkers
  • Vicious grip
  • DBS ceramics (with spacers O= )

Comment Wall (8 comments)

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At 16:37 on June 26, 2011,
Premium Member
Jake Elliott
no dramas dude, every time there is no helmets in a vid or photo there is a shitstorm, the photos were good and you and your mates look like you are shredding it up in the top end, keep it up!
At 18:59 on June 15, 2011,
ASRA Admin

Nice idea to change the theme of a group, but unfortunately the software doesn't allow it :(

At 22:46 on May 25, 2011,
Premium Member
Jayden Mitchell

No worries mate


I ride a rayne avenger atm, what are the annika's like? i gather they are like the avenger, i rode one the other day but only at low speeds :P

At 15:52 on May 20, 2011, Benny said…
Hey Patrick that's awesome dude! I love hearing from people who use our pucks, so thanks for the comment! Happy sliding!
At 16:28 on April 21, 2011, Benny said…
Yeah dude I can hook you up. Just send an email to with you size and payment preference (direct deposit or Paypal) and I'll sort you out.
At 9:26 on February 17, 2011, Benny said…
Ah cool, no worries mate. Hit me up anytime. Hope things dry up for you so you can go for a shred asap.
At 18:23 on February 16, 2011, Benny said…

Oh sweet, good stuff mate. I've only been to Darwin once and was only there for a few hours. Didn't seem to be a very hilly place. As long as there is something though, and car parks are fun. 


As for the Slippery Dips.. I make them so of course I'm going to tell you they're good! But honestly, I haven't ever come across a better puck. A lot of the top riders is Australia choose to use them. Buttery smooth and VERY long lasting. You can check out what other people have to say about them here..

At 17:01 on February 15, 2011, Benny said…
Welcome to ASRA! Are there hills in NT?


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