ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

why do the pros use top-mount boards for speed?

hey i see a few pros using the rayne avenger and chopped comet voodoo doll, those kinda boards are pretty similar looking, just wondering why pros use them instead of the drop-through or double-drop boards.. are they more stable at higher speeds being top-mount?

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nahh bro, i just made one

Benbro said:
wow!....thought you were a luge rider,havnt you told them.

Michael English said:
finally the truth has been released to the public!!!

too bad luge riders havnt realised this...

Jacko said:
topmounts = leverage, grip, gangsta lean

speed wobs dont actually exist, so stability at high speeds is all up to the rider
Top mount = more weight on the outside wheels= More grip yes ??
yes, come skate today nige

nige said:
Top mount = more weight on the outside wheels= More grip yes ??
Dropped boards actually tend to break into slides easier because there less highside torque on the outside wheel which means slighly more weight on the inside wheel, a more even spread of weight really, so more force goes into sideways movement and less into the torque and rotation which causes you to high side, both boards by definition have the same traction, traction is provided by the wheels not the deck, with topmounts you just have more leverage on the trucks so you can turn them quicker and with more agility than you could on a dropped board. Dropped boards are more stable because they put your centre of gravity as well as the boards centre of gravity lower to the ground. But were really only talking about the thickness of the deck here, its not a big difference, you really only notice the difference when you start sliding
Still on grip but a bit off topic. When you've got a wheel, the inside lip is giving you the most part of your grip yeah? In saying that wouldn't flipping say a sector9 race form make it grip more because the inside lip is flexing more?
top mount boards are more manoeuvrable and the higher the board the more lean it gets so it is easier to rail corners with more grip. usually the topmount boards are slightly shorter and shorter wheelbase so this also gives the board more grip through corners and better turning.
this is hilarious, everyone has their own scientific analysis, there is so many conflicting theories here.


I get the impression that the drop through boards are more drifty and the top-mount ones hang on more before they slide, and take more to kick into a slide..

people say u get less stability on a top mount--.. i think this is because its easier to lean it one way or the other because of the more leverage... some of the drop through boards are really 'settled' and don't budge easily.. (not my tan tien though)
a very large part of that is probably how your trucks are setup bro. and then also the more time you spend on your board the looser you will handle them being setup at speed.
I think I've decided on the "open-ended investigation" for next year's HSC Physics. Plenty of practical investigation to be done...

Phil Bartlett said:
this is hilarious, everyone has their own scientific analysis, there is so many conflicting theories here.


I find it interesting that Kyle Chin rides a topmount when most of his riding seems to be sliding. Probably just personal preference though.

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