ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Hi all,
Does anyone here have a personal opinion on trucks? (do i need to sit down for the number of replies)

Now i'm after a set of 180 trucks for ditchin and GS so what turns the best?

I've ridden randals a lot, force a bit, grizzlies and paris a couple of times, smokies once/twice
but i havent ridden the tracker fastracks.
They look like they have plenty of bushing room for the bushings to work properly with no fouling
from the hanger,(like what kooky's done with the ovated bushing seat),
and the sales pitch/ write up sounds great,
now has anyone used them and given them a good flog, do they turn better than the others?

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Bear...really minus the sale pitches im not sure how really differnt these trucks are for ditch riding given their geometry...randalls i have heard have a 65 dgree baseplate (although you could wedge anty trck to be equivalent) which will be turnier and their baseplate range makes them pretty attractive for just allrounders at a cheap price (quality looks to have picked up a bit recently too? Ive got randalls that i put 50 deg on for ditch racing and wack 35 baseplate and JIMZ bushings on the back for big hills.). Jackson blitzed us all in ainslee ditch on Paris trucks (how much of that is due to the trucks tho?) I do like the feel of the Paris nice and carvy feel. The trackers with all that urethane are an option for stability at speeds and seem really durable in their casting and when i have ridden them feel really nice?

I reckon just get the best price on anything that fits randall baseplates so you can swap and change your hanger for faster stuff and get some nice bushings.

Im not sure any 180 truck is suitable for gs tho as 95 to 110 seems to be the standard and 180's simply wouldnt cut it unless your talking more carvy street riding not competitive GS racing. I ride same truck set up for 5ft spacing tight slalom as big hill scary fast gS maybe just a firmer bushing in front truck if over about 50klm

Please take this advice with a grain of salt!
This discussion may seem OTT for a $50 truck but i cant really afford to buy a set that dont work the way i'd like,


mmmm Yes mmm, i'v noticed when you stand on a deck and look at the front truck it "seem's" grizzlies dont turn much,
The Paris i'v ridden really snap back to centre quicker than randalls, they "seem" to have a different take
on the engineering of the hanger around the top bushing, Paris are really enclosed so on full turn the hangers
hitting the side of the bushing.
Randalls, Fastracks, Force are all open so the hanger only contacts the face of the bushing, not the side,
does that mean the graph/curve of resistance is more even, and you dont get a "bottom out" feeling when the hanger
hits the side of the bushing?
BTW i'm leaning towards Fastracks.
Hey Wayne.
I have some Randalls 180. Brand new (very shiney - shiney = fast ) turny fast.
All yours for just $50.

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