ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

What would you consider "lightweight" for a fullface helmet.

i've found one that only weighs around 650g's. snagged it for only $110 :D

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650g is ultra lightweight which is the weight of a charly or ICARO. Anything under 900g would be considered relatively lightweight
you got a pic of it? where from?
I'll post pics when I'm home from work tonight. Not going to tell anyone where i got it from. There is only 1 more available. If anyone wants let me know a I'll purchase it and can post it to you for what it cost me + p/h. Will take roughly two weeks to ship to aus tho.

kelly carter said:
you got a pic of it? where from?
well i may just go for this. it all really depends on what the helmet looks like and the padding etc

Steven Rose said:
I'll post pics when I'm home from work tonight. Not going to tell anyone where i got it from. There is only 1 more available. If anyone wants let me know a I'll purchase it and can post it to you for what it cost me + p/h. Will take roughly two weeks to ship to aus tho.

kelly carter said:
you got a pic of it? where from?
It doesn't look bad at all. It also has a removable chin guard . Its plain grey , I'll let you know what padding is like when they arrive . 

kelly carter said:
well i may just go for this. it all really depends on what the helmet looks like and the padding etc

Steven Rose said:
I'll post pics when I'm home from work tonight. Not going to tell anyone where i got it from. There is only 1 more available. If anyone wants let me know a I'll purchase it and can post it to you for what it cost me + p/h. Will take roughly two weeks to ship to aus tho.

kelly carter said:
you got a pic of it? where from?
Why can't we just buy it ourselves?
Because I'd like to keep the supplier a secret as I may be able to get cheap gear from him in the future.

Jake DM said:
Why can't we just buy it ourselves?

it's a toss up between that and a bell drop with charly visor. i think the bell drop wins (only because k-rimes has one)

Steven Rose said:

i reckon removing the visor and two of the visor screws will remove what... maybe 30-50g's? p.s the size is Medium to Large, i have such a small head so i will definately be putting some thicker padding in mine.
Looks a bit similar to this helmet by TIOGA which is also 650g but is $49 available in australia and in multiple numbers

I'd keep it secret too if I was selling for double the price.

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