ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

What's some recommended boards for downhilling?

I'm look to start getting into so downhill and I not sure on what board and what set up to get please let you recommendations 

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the Phat drop has flex though.

Yes but much less than a rayne nemesis and people downhill on those all the time. Go compare them at the Hopshop. You decide which is better  ;-)

i like the rayne avenger with some calibers and cult gammas but it is all persanol preffrence

f18 hornet

yes that is sweet

rauri beaton said:

f18 hornet

Landyachtz has some pretty good DH decks like the evo and chinook, check them out


No not the 22"Penny.

You need the longer 27"Nickel for serious downhill.

True. Sorry for the mix up.

bernie said:

No not the 22"Penny.

You need the longer 27"Nickel for serious downhill.

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