ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Just saw the ad for Channel Seven news for tomorrow (Thursday 21st April).


Looks like Channel Sevem is doing a hackett job on downhill skateboarding tomorrow. I haven't got time to rip and upload the video of the ad so here are the words:


[start ad]

Motorist BEWARE!!!

High speed thrill seekers putting your life and theirs at risk.

(Jacko sound bite) Every road we skate is illegal to ride.

Why Sydney is now the hotspot of this dangerous sport.

Who is pushing the boundaries of safety and the law?

On Seven News tomorrow at 6.

[end ad]



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*hurp durp, pushing the limits of danger hurp durp*

journos can at least pass english at uni.

actually not as bad as the ad, maybe jackos dissappointment lead them to ease up on the skater rage

The job of the media regardless of topic=


Create suitable audio visual device that evokes emotional/psycholical repsonse in the audience.  The desired response will often be congruent with some sociopolitical agenda.

Repeat said audio visual device until the audience have formed an opnion. Repeat device some more so that audience increase the strength of that opnion in their own minds.Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.


sit back and collect the profits from newstands, TV companies and political bodies as the brainwashed public buy into this created fantasy, by wathcing more news, buying more shit they dont need, and voting for idiots to run there country.


Did anyone notice that the channel 7 'news' item was just a repeat? Nothing new in there, just repeating the message they want you to beleive. Why do you think they used grom footage of people crashing on EOTH?

do you get royalties for them using your footage? Especially the ad? Using your footage to sell their product (the "news")

hey that was some rad footage of downhill skateboarding wasnt it?!


I bet some people on the northern beaches that watched that segment will say "hey thats Elanora road.... thats rad!"


now at the same time of course there would be people who would see it and say "thats fucken stupid"... but at the same time, those people would think EXACTLY the same thing if the story was put in their faces in a positive OR a negative way. Either way people watched it, they either hated it or think its rad, no matter which way the story was shown.


All i see here is that longboarding and downhill skateboarding is growing so much, and people are starting to notice.


i'll take that as a win.

Trouble is, the people who think its rad aren't the ones making the laws.

The douche bag conservative lame cock wads who say its stupid, prefer risking the wealth of our entire economy on the retarded mistakes they make.

Never trust the media to have anything good to say about something that has ever had a negative stigma.

They thrive on sensationalism and controversy.

Jacko said:

hey that was some rad footage of downhill skateboarding wasnt it?!


I bet some people on the northern beaches that watched that segment will say "hey thats Elanora road.... thats rad!"


now at the same time of course there would be people who would see it and say "thats fucken stupid"... but at the same time, those people would think EXACTLY the same thing if the story was put in their faces in a positive OR a negative way. Either way people watched it, they either hated it or think its rad, no matter which way the story was shown.


All i see here is that longboarding and downhill skateboarding is growing so much, and people are starting to notice.


i'll take that as a win.

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