ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

How do I smoothen out my slides so they don't sound all chattery?

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I just got the freerides yesterday and it is raining outside so I havent had a chance to slide on them yet

Gus Horsburgh said:

Why're you sliding on 80a Inheats when you have abec 11 freerides sitting around?
like benbro said, in heats are chattery at a slow speed, i have a set and they slide smooth at around 45-50, but they slow you down HEAPS bro. go with freerides, shred them to the core. youl love every minute of it.
yo jack nolan, 
my purp stims dont and i slid them write out of the packet 

Jack Nolan said:

Get good bearings (not expensive, just clean and not dented or fucked up; reds work fine), get spacers, and get speed rings.
These are the most likely causes. Then, remember to tighten your wheel so it can't move horizontally on the axle. 
Next is wheel shape, or amount worn in. Something like centrax will always chatter. Whereas something like a venom caniball will be really chattery for a while untill you wear them in.


Final thing could be technique. This includes speed. Just be confident in it.


Oh, one exception to the rule, every single set of purple otang freerides i have ever tried has felt chattery as hell and shit. So if you have purple durians or somethign that could be it. Or maybe i just happened to try a few sets of faulty wheels. 

I thought you told me yours did. tad awkward for me then.

tommy said:
yo jack nolan, 
my purp stims dont and i slid them write out of the packet 

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