ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

repost from

'Just seeing if anyone here is interested. It is a position on the board of the skate australia/rollerblading association. This might seem kind of crazy to you guys but the rollerskating association actually decides how much government money gets put into skateboarding and what share they will keep for rollerskating. It is not based on any kind of participation rates etc, just whatever the board of the rollerskating association decides. Currently I believe the rollerskating association puts all of the money they decide to give to skateboarding into the event business they own (sba).

It might be good if a skateboarder got on the board as I'm pretty sure all current board members come from a rollerblading/rollerskating background.

I think you will get airfares and accomodation etc etc. So sus the link..'

would be awesome to see a longboarder get onto the board, imagine what could be done with some of that government funding

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Sean speak to Bernie

Unfortunately its not how it works Sean. Skateboarders are basically banned from being voting members of the Association that represents them (Skate Australia) and that has all skateboard funding. SBA or Skateboard Australia is simply a company fully owned by Skate Australia. As a skateboarder you can become an official fanboy of SBA but thats all you will be, its not an association.

This is nothing new, its how its always been. Its like various countries in the middle East, the vast majority are ruled by the absolute minority, and the vast majority (skateboarders) are afforded no voting rights whatsoever. It sounds crazy but the government continues to allow this arrangement to happen and this is unlikely to change

For skateboarders it is set up like this, and I do need to qualify what follows in that this is probably not entirely correct, so please refer to the SA website for the constitution and voting rules....

If you are an ASC registered and paid up SbA skateboarding coach or trainer, you will have received an invitation to nominate for the skateboarder advisory committee.  That committee will comprise one member from each state, 4 in total.  That committee will be elligible to vote for board nominees, along side voting representatives from roller derby (4), and representatives from state roller-skating associations and clubs,or skating disciplines (8 or 10 I think, and Victoria is currently excluded). 

Even if 5000 ASRA members became registered ASC coaches and paid their SbA memebrship, only 4 of them can vote to elect the board members.

Note that the advisory committees at this stage only get to vote for board members, and beyond that task, there does not appear to be much else that they can do to influence things, apart from calling a board member to have a whinge, or put up an idea.  Once elected, the board makes the decisions, and tells the CEO what it wants to happen.

At best skateboarders get 25% of the vote, even though SA have scored more than 50% of their funding from the ASC, in relation to "participation in sport" driven by skateboarding.

(given the amount of money, one could easily leap to the wild conclussion that every SbA facebook like goes into their government reporting stats to show how much participation is going on, but of course such conclussions would never be drawn by me!)

Now when it comes to board members, there are only three positions available this year, and people wanting to apply for those positions need to be nominated by paid up members of SA.  Those nominees must be independent, ie not involved in the management of any state associations or clubs.  I am pretty sure that nominees also need to be approved by the existing board and the CEO. So even if the skateboarders get to cast their 4 votes, they might not have anyone that they actually want to vote for. 

It is a bit like state vs federal politics, where state MP's have to vacate their seat in order to run for a federal seat, where SA is different is that the elected board are not voted for by all the members, but by committees appointed within strict guidelines set out by the board.

So to answer the question about getting a skateboarder on the board, the answer is actually in the bible......look for the bit about the camel and the eye of a needle! 

(With our modern technogly and meat processing equipment, this is no longer an impossible task, but by the time you get a camel through the eye of a needle, it wont look much like a camel..... anyone for camel soup?????)

But be patient grasshoppers, thing is will all outlive the current board!

Not too sure about that mate, some of us are old and f@#&$d up already!!!!

This is typical of sporting organisations, especially where money is concerned. If you want a scare have a chat to anyone outside the SbA that was involved in the 1800 street active campaign and see where $100K's went - not outside of the committee!!!!!!!!!!

bernie said:

But be patient grasshoppers, thing is will all outlive the current board!

Too true for you and me Master Po! ;-)

Adrian Alderson said:

Not too sure about that mate, some of us are old and f@#&$d up already!!!!

This is typical of sporting organisations, especially where money is concerned. If you want a scare have a chat to anyone outside the SbA that was involved in the 1800 street active campaign and see where $100K's went - not outside of the committee!!!!!!!!!!

bernie said:

But be patient grasshoppers, thing is will all outlive the current board!

Finally a skateboarder on the SA board!


Simon is the founder of Convic.

nothing in that for longboarders, but at least we might see SbA putting on some proper bowl comps as well as their version of Street League.


Looks like we might get to try some camel soup after all!

its a slow step in the right direction

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