ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Montacute becomes a road surfers paradise

STOP: Morialta MP Lindsay Simmons wants
signs up discouraging road surfing in Montacute.

DAREDEVIL teens on skateboards are illegally road surfing down steep main roads at Montacute, putting their lives and those of motorists at risk.

Hills Fleurieu Police have stepped up patrols of Montacute and Corkscrew roads, having already reported one teenager on an oversized skateboard two weeks ago.

Police traffic manager Sergeant Brian Schmidt said road surfing was “very dangerous and potentially disastrous”.

Morialta MP Lindsay Simmons called for No Skateboarding signs to be erected on the roads after several locals complained to her about the danger.

“Already there have been some near misses, which is why it was brought to my attention,” she told the East Torrens Messenger.

“One particular person was driving up the hill when one of the kids was coming down and this person was forced to slam on their breaks and swerve to miss the kid.”

According to Australia road rules, it is illegal to ride a skateboard on major roads with a continuous or broken centre-line or dividing strip or on roads divided into marked lanes for traffic going in the same direction.

Ms Simmons said the potential for a serious accident was “extremely high” because the skateboarders, who often came down the hill crouched or lying on their boards, often used the middle of the road.

“These roads have lots of twists and turns which makes them really popular for this kind of thing, but it also means cars cannot see the skateboarders coming down the hill. Apparently lying down is the brave thing to do, because you can’t stop very easily.

“It’s so dangerous it’s not what the roads were designed for.”

Ms Simmons has called for road signs in a letter to Road Safety Minister Michael O’Brien, who said he’d referred the matter to his department for further advice.

“This type of unsafe activity on the open road is extremely dangerous, not only to the skateboarders travelling at relatively high speeds, but also to the motorists using these roads,” Mr O’Brien said.

Residents who see skateboards being ridden illegally should ring the police on 131444.

Feel free to post a comment on their website: East Torrens Messenger

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Theyre the times i reckon you should just ignore the questions they ask, and give them a bunch of whatever positive statements you can.

Bowditch said:
yes its true. longboarders got roasted again. i havent seen the report (was busy skating) but i jumped off the plane to find the media ready with cameras wanting to interview Leigh and myself. It started off good until they started asking those hectic questions i really wanted to avoid. it was a tough one and i have the strong feeling they are going to turn it against us, just the vibes i got from the reporter started turning negative and we got kinda cornered with harsh questions that would lead to no good answers... if someone can find an online copy please post it up.... SHIT HAPPENS
by the way that was Jacko not Bow.... im on Bow's computer and forgot to sign out...

They ask the question and you try your hardest to turn it around and say something positive but you get half way through and realise your stuck and you've already fucked yourself... damn media scum.
and usually its not till you walk away from the interview when you realise 'oh fuck... i just got mega roasted there'
yeah, still not sure how they edited it. some of my mates/family have seen it and they've given me mixed reviews of how it went. Some said it was negative some said it was positive. i guess we won't know for sure until we see it.
but yeah like Jackowditch said, they were pretty sneaky with their questions.
Don't worry too much Jacko, journalists are pros at that shit - they do it every day and they know how to twist things and corner you. It takes a fair bit of practice to be able to match them at their game.
It always blows over anyway, and publicity is publicity.
My view on this is basically that any publicity is good publicity. I'm sure you boys handled it well.
jacko - you should be used to these things by now.

cool - go ride the hill and show em how its done!
How did they know Jacko was coming, is it from monitoring this site?
I was thinking the same thing. How did they know that Jackson was arriving?

Alot of hype over something that only results in a §56 fine. Dont like me skating on your roads? Fine me. Stop whining.
Someone said it in here once before and I thought it was gold.
"Roads were made before cars"
Provided the skater doesn't put themselves or anyone else at risk it should be okay to share the road.

Motorist need to create room and avoid cyclists everyday. Why should it be any different for skaters.
I've been beeped and swiped by cars to the point where they had miles of room to go round but just wanted to drive me into the gutter. Arseholes are abundant these days.
I also ride my bike on some of the busiest roads in sydney where it's 2 and 3 lanes going each way and can understand why road cyclist hate motorist.

The next arguement is motorist need to pay rego therefore feel they own the roads, but that's only because big heavy cars create so much extra damage to the road and are much higher maintainence to its upkeep.

The biggest issue at hand on this topic is fearing the unknown. People simply don't understand that longboard skaters these days are more savvy and aware of safety issues than ever before. So it's important we prove that we can be a part of the community that safely shares the roads.
I am over it downhill skateboarding will never be legal i mean really , last time i looked Bart Simpson wasn't prime minister he would be the only one who would give the OK The more i think about it the rules we have now are pretty good skate hard and skate safe Evil Guff out....
briliant bloody brilliant

Robbo said:

Aych said:
I would love to see (looked can't find one) an editorial from the US in the 50's and 60's complaining about skateboarding; just to compare this with it, it's almost as though this laying down standing up road surfing thing is shiny and new. Watch out you daredevil two wheel balancing riding folk you could be next to get those things banned, now what are those unstable hard to balance two wheeled things called....bikes that's it I know someone who's seen them racing through the streets
Evil Guff is back!!!!!!

Guff said:
skate hard and skate safe Evil Guff out....
The authorities are hypocritical.
You can kill yourself legally and slowly with booze and tobbacco,.... or even prescription meds.
Just dont take your life into your own hands. It has to be in theirs.

If I choose to persue my own interests,... the government has no rights to stop me (at least not in my mind). Its my life, and as long as Im not hurting others I should be free to pursue my own personal happiness. If I die doing this I will die happy, doing what I love.

The whole perception of longboarders would change if the authorities thought it might mean tourist dollars. If Europeans and Americans came to ride our smooth roads and empty highways, hills residents and the police would be in love with them, and us.
The real danger on the roads is cars. Not us. A head on collision between a car and one of us would cause less impact than a bike. Aggressive drivers prompted by this kind of news story are more likely to kill us, so fuck the media who promote this kind of hate against recreationalists.

Fuck the polititions that ride the coat-tails of this kind of story too.
You know we also are residents and vote too?
There are more of us riding than those that complain.

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