ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

aye guys

im riding some S8's on my apex37 at the moment with black springs and i need something stronger

so when trying to purchase some white springs i realised i dont have a credit card so i decided to ask around and see if anyone has some spare white springs :)

let us know :)

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Replies to This Discussion

Why not from voodoo?


In related topic news: possibly give a talk to ado from cre8tive sk8 I think he's got spare springs and might be able( don't quote me on this/ and ask nicely) to help you out with buying it with cash through the mail...

But your really much better off asking those rents of yours to borrow there card and just buy direct or still from cre8ive, not too many hard springs knocking about in the land down under.
Michael English said:

depends where he is i guess...
website is still under construction... was purely to make a smartass remark (:

Isaac said:

Why not from voodoo?


In related topic news: possibly give a talk to ado from cre8tive sk8 I think he's got spare springs and might be able( don't quote me on this/ and ask nicely) to help you out with buying it with cash through the mail...

But your really much better off asking those rents of yours to borrow there card and just buy direct or still from cre8ive, not too many hard springs knocking about in the land down under.
Michael English said:

hahaha im gonna get a decent DH complete again when i get some moolah, just still in a bit of debt :/

so springs will have to do till then haha

I'm in buderim on the sunshine coast haha

ahyeah might ring cre8ive sk8 tomorrow actually :) can do back transfers



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