ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Hey Guys,

I'm organising a slalom comp in the Bulleen Snake Bowl and was wondering if anyone would enter a penny slalom comp. 

Please let me know if you'd be keen to enter and your thoughts.



Tags: Melbourne, Penny, Slalom

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might be best asking in the slalom group, but i know this idea has been tossed up before so it might be do-able

Bernie I think approached the "Penny" manufacturers for help/support but they wouldn't be in it. But the big questions is will you allow the Nickel to enter!

27.5 x 7 inch solid wood cruiser?

With the aid of duct tape I could almost use those 22" penny's as rollerskates!

Not really fussed if they help or not, of course it would be good, but just checking to see if we should add a Penny class to our King of the Ditch slalom event on the 27th of May. 

Why bother pennys are gay saw a dude riding a pink one the other day i yelled at him to get a helmet. He almost fell off was pretty funny the guy next to me almost had a fit. His feet were like overhanging the board and he was doin big arms to try and hold on. 

Penny's are a gateway board. :]

There is a lot of people out there with them. They might easily be converted to full blown slalom addicts. Just having them there at a slalom gig I think is good.

I think when they see people ripping on longboards they'll get into it.

I agree with Matty. People can do what they want and if a penny class race gets some starters great. What is with the "Helmet Police" crap!

I also agree with Matty, but with one reservation. Penny's are a single brand, and I'm uncomfortable with the idea of an event that restricts competitors to a single brand. It would be a little like having a "Rayne" race where everybody had to use Rayne decks. Is there a way that a "Penny" race could be genericised so that competing brands could be included?

Nothin mate I am pro helmet. If i owned a skateshop i could see the benefits in trying to get penny skateboarders to ride a  longboard but as a regular punter why should i share my day of racing with a bunch of people who want to ride a toy skateboard.. All this growing the sport stuff gets a bit annoying sometimes how about tryin to keep people involved in slalom as many people have left in the past couple of years. Are we gonna kick out slalomers to make way for penny skaters? 
Daniel Monaghan said:

I agree with Matty. People can do what they want and if a penny class race gets some starters great. What is with the "Helmet Police" crap!

If you're worried about low numbers of people slaloming it would make sense to look for ways to get new people into it. The problem is not "sharing your day of racing" but having enough people into it to justify having days of racing in the first place.

Guff said: a regular punter why should i share my day of racing with a bunch of people who want to ride a toy skateboard.. All this growing the sport stuff gets a bit annoying sometimes how about tryin to keep people involved in slalom as many people have left in the past couple of years. Are we gonna kick out slalomers to make way for penny skaters?

Bugs you need to just think of it exactly like it is - A handicap race. Lets be honest, if you own one of these your skating will be severly handicapped

Bugs said:

I also agree with Matty, but with one reservation. Penny's are a single brand, and I'm uncomfortable with the idea of an event that restricts competitors to a single brand. It would be a little like having a "Rayne" race where everybody had to use Rayne decks. Is there a way that a "Penny" race could be genericised so that competing brands could be included?

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