ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

the hippie at work was riding his board somewhat intoxicated early saturday morning, he crashed, then while laying on his back got distracted the beauty of the night sky, apparently the stars were pretty that night, he then fell asleep in the gutter, he woke with a start an hour or so later and hoofed it home on foot, later on he remembered he was skating, went back to find his board but no luck, its a custom top mount glyde with bomber girl graphics randalls and some thrashed gumballs, if anyone stumbles across it let me know.

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ah that sucks. i was at the joynt that night and had a chat to your mate about his board, had a go on it too. bad night for skateboarding, my board got run over by a car but its in once piece. i'll keep my eyes peeled, theres no way someone can get away with riding it in brisbane for long.
eyes peeled and word out, How's the oogashoosha?
he got it back yesterday, the whatever it is stains up nice

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