ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Just wondering if anyone has heard, seen or riden one of these devices?

It looks pretty gnarly from the few vids that I've seen, fun but way hectic!! Apparently snowboarding wihtout the snow?


Check it out.

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not hard to find parts but 9 times out of 10 u need to order from the states


centres do break i have old G3 trucks .....not to good to jump on ...but the new G3s u can not evin tell the difference unless someone shows u but they are way stronger

freeboard -> subdural haematoma


saying that i know some people that love it and got into it because they can't snow board over here in the west.

I cant believe you feel this way.. I feel like it was the best thing I have ever bought. It is a snowboarders dream come true. I have recently joined the sydney crew and I encourage you to put your board back together and come for another ride. I have only been riding for bit over 4 months, but i found the Freebord very daunting at first. I have riden skateboard seriously for well over 15 years but the Freebord had me shaken in my boots. 2 weeks of solid swet and tears....Then BINGO. The board and I connected. 

I hope you will give it another crack...If not give me some details if you want to sell it

Steven Rose said:

damn it you beat me to it tom!!!


not only do i feel like i wasted my money, they are pretty impractical and are only fun on long hills. i once went for a roll with a few guys in sydney and it seems since then a tonne of guys have joined the sydney crew.


i gave up on selling mine for ebay and decided to gut it and maybe use it as a beer runner.

freebord in excelllent condition, spare wheels etc. $165, pickup from newcastle or posted.

ha ha, only just found this conversation, it's quite amusing. i plan on getting into longboarding when i can afford to get myself one in the next few weeks so i can commute, and i have skated before, but for sheer enjoyment freebording is the best thing i have ever done, period. i find most of the negative feedback comes from people who have tried it briefly then given up cos it's too hard to learn. true, it is bloody difficult to pick up (took me weeks), but as 'freddy frebord' says, once it clicks, it is extremely addictive. it's also a versatile, all-round ride and most of the previous comments are just plain wrong. if you want to, you can bomb mountain roads at 80 kmh, you can rip up the skate park, you can drop massive stair sets, you can even push for long stretches on flatland with a bit of practice. i got into it because i love snowboarding, but i reckon it even beats the snowboard for quality of the ride. i look forward to getting a longboard, but it will be always second choice in my quiver.
you may as well buy a rip stick and put longboard trucks on the front and then duct tape your feet to the board....or you could buy a coffin  

You only need a coffin if you are uncoordinated, lack balance and lack skill....Obviously you must suffer from these conditions...Man up Alexander...Start by dropping the ander and just be Alex..I am actually surprised you ride a longboard and dont ride roller blades.



Alexander said:

you may as well buy a rip stick and put longboard trucks on the front and then duct tape your feet to the board....or you could buy a coffin  

This is ARSA, australian skateboard racing association, the home of Australian skateboarding, not free boarding

BA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!  great freudian slip there. is this because you guys all grab your own arse cheeks when you ride?

Kelly Carter said:

This is ARSA,

Dude think about how much of a dickhead you are. YOUR FEET ARE STRAPPED TO THE BOARD!! if you fall you cant control your impact coz youve got a fuckin board hangin off you. And wat the fucks your problem with my name bitch its the name i was born with and ill die with and any day you want to race down a hill ill be there cunt start yer own site "AUSTRALIAN FREEBORDING ASSOCIATION - GUARRENTEED TO NEVER HAVE MORE THAN 14 MEMBERS COZ THE REST ARE SMART ENOUGH TO LONGBOARD" you dumb fuck!!     

Freddie Frebord said:

You only need a coffin if you are uncoordinated, lack balance and lack skill....Obviously you must suffer from these conditions...Man up Alexander...Start by dropping the ander and just be Alex..I am actually surprised you ride a longboard and dont ride roller blades.



Alexander said:

you may as well buy a rip stick and put longboard trucks on the front and then duct tape your feet to the board....or you could buy a coffin  

firstly...Like I said before...With coordination, balance and skill...falling is not part of the equation. The bindings actually give you the ability to stop and stay in control

Secondly...I have probably been skating for longer than you are old...I own and ride skateboards,longboards and freebords too...From what you have said...I am only smart when I am on one of my downhill boards...How amusing. My Daughter has been riding my sector since she was 18 months...SHE IS VERY SMART

Lastly...I dont know why you are so sensitive...I was not the one who started this thread on here...I only replied to the topic as you did. I enjoy all forms of board riding and will til the day I also die. I get defensive when people comment on things they have no or very little knowledge about. Talk is cheap...Actions speak louder than words

Alexander said:

Dude think about how much of a dickhead you are. YOUR FEET ARE STRAPPED TO THE BOARD!! if you fall you cant control your impact coz youve got a fuckin board hangin off you. And wat the fucks your problem with my name bitch its the name i was born with and ill die with and any day you want to race down a hill ill be there cunt start yer own site "AUSTRALIAN FREEBORDING ASSOCIATION - GUARRENTEED TO NEVER HAVE MORE THAN 14 MEMBERS COZ THE REST ARE SMART ENOUGH TO LONGBOARD" you dumb fuck!!     

Freddie Frebord said:

You only need a coffin if you are uncoordinated, lack balance and lack skill....Obviously you must suffer from these conditions...Man up Alexander...Start by dropping the ander and just be Alex..I am actually surprised you ride a longboard and dont ride roller blades.



Alexander said:

you may as well buy a rip stick and put longboard trucks on the front and then duct tape your feet to the board....or you could buy a coffin  
A lot of assumptions there



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