ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Its getting to the stage where its really about time I started carrying a first aid kit in the car to all sessions - and not quite sure exactly what I need to be putting in it.

Everybody knows prevention is the best treatment, and we're always wearing at least a lid, gloves and knees everywhere, and these cover 90% of stacks, but theres then theres those freak 10% of accidents that end in grazes in weird spots or corks or even broken bones and dislocated shoulders and stuff.

Ive had my share of stupid stacks, and you get an idea of the skate specific basics - patch bandaids, elastoplast and gauze, compression bandage - but has anybody had any weird accidents and just wished they had some other sort of first aid?

Thanks heaps

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BRILLIANT, no really we have just had to mop wine up and stuff lol

Jack Nolan said:
bring one of those pieces of cloth you make a sling out of incase you dislocate your shoulder, they cost heaps cheap and they arent big either.
If you have a cut that requires stitches apply a gauze pad, a bandage and keep pressure on the wound until you get to PROPER medical attention. If you have an antiseptic maybe give it a splash before the gauze and bandage goes on.

1. Most glues are toxic (there is a reason they say keep out of eyes, mouth and open wounds)
2. When you get to the hospital and they have to pull that fucker apart so they cay clean it and stitch it properly, it's gonna hurt... A lot.

If you have dirt, rocks (in my case glass) in your cut the medics need to get it out. Pretty hard if the wound is glued closed.
There is some evidance that applying antiseptic can slow wound healing (for gravel rash etc) so I have a little kit with tubes of saline for washing and gauze and bandages if it needs it. Infection is the thing to avoid so cleaning the wound will help.

Avoid the spray on bandage stuff unless pain is your thing!
I've had deep cuts glued up with surgical glue - it works really well. Somebody told me that surgical glue is essentially superglue, and that superglue was first invented for the US military for gluing wounds on the battlefield. I've since tried superglue, and yes, it works for gluing wounds.

The spray-on bandage is pretty good, but you need to make sure the wound is nice and clean first. The spray hurts like hell cos it's got alcohol in it.
don't just buy any glue, you can go to a chemist and get skin glue, i've used it a fair bit between skating and surfing.

not sure what it's called, but just make sure it's not toxic shit. it is often used as stitches are on little kids and old people who's skin wont be able to hold stitches, so you just have to make sure the wounds real clean and there's no shit in there before gluing it up. but fixamol and some heavy pain killers for the bad accidents (just no asprin (thins the blood))

or for those people out there that winge about a small bit of road rash, a can of harden the fuck up or some concrete on their cereal. :D
yeah, its superglue, just non-toxic and sterile. Glueing it usually works, but if its deep, stitches are the go, as glue just holds your skin together not the flesh underneath. Make sure you wash everything out with antiseptic (detol etc) then pinch the skin together so that it makes a little crest, kinda like an M, apply the glue and hold till the glue dries, and then your good to go. If any bruising forms under the glue, that means that the flesh isn't together and you need stitches.

As for spray on bandage it stings a bit, but lets you skate in comfort afterwards.

David Evans said:
don't just buy any glue, you can go to a chemist and get skin glue, i've used it a fair bit between skating and surfing.

not sure what it's called, but just make sure it's not toxic shit. it is often used as stitches are on little kids and old people who's skin wont be able to hold stitches, so you just have to make sure the wounds real clean and there's no shit in there before gluing it up. but fixamol and some heavy pain killers for the bad accidents (just no asprin (thins the blood))

or for those people out there that winge about a small bit of road rash, a can of harden the fuck up or some concrete on their cereal. :D
I always keep a small kit in the car and super glue is an extra in it. I made sure I got a compact one so I can throw it in a bag for when I'm out. But I hot mine thru the ambo's and it was like $40.

Hank's Place Australia said:
Fisiocrem and rapaid antiseptic rash relief cream (good for road rash takes the sting out in seconds and helps heal over quick; there are other things out there but for the price this is pretty good) As of October we are putting out a "gravity aid" kit that has been designed to be thrown in a kit bag for DH, luge and MB among other sports.
It will kick out at around $15-$20 (waiting on price) and be desinged especially for our sports (see our website at end of month and will also be available from us at Newton's)
some vinegar :P
tell your patient to man up when you start pouring the stuff on.

reckon you could fit a defibbrilator? :P

Mick Mack said:
All first aid kits should consist of a skirt, lipstick, high heels, handbag one of those lil fuk-me dogs, blonde wig a large set of pliers for those 'weird' accidents :-s removing objects from ones anus? is that what you ment ??? ha ha ha or did you use glue as lube.....
You forgot to throw the tampons in there Mick
no use having a first aid kit if you don't know how to use it anyone can put a bandaid or superglue on a road rash injury but how many can treat severe shock or perform CPR?
To have an ambo skater with medical exp would be rad, but most cases its not gonna happen.
Even if you have your first aid qualification (entry levels like myself) Mostly its to not treat and fix and cure, but to do things like prioritize breathing, do your best to stop bleeding/perform cpr if you have to.

I think the point of a 1st aid kit (for skate seshs) is to primarily fix little things (grazes, cuts etc), and to do what you can while waiting for proper help to arrive if anything serious does happen. Therefore, mostly you shouldnt need that much in it (especially more serious med stuff).

Guff said:
no use having a first aid kit if you don't know how to use it anyone can put a bandaid or superglue on a road rash injury but how many can treat severe shock or perform CPR?

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