ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

all the dirt on the canbrah skate scene!

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i'll come along to a meeting, do you know when they are?
is anything happening tomorrow?
No but I will keep an ear out.

Henry King said:
i'll come along to a meeting, do you know when they are?
we can skate tonight give me a call if you want to skate tonight, henry is out of town till saturday.
What are your plans for tonight Owen
alright man i will call you
i found a nice little hill in wagga, smooth roads are compleatly different! lets raod trip up to 7 pins and sesh there. what are peoples availabilities?
hmmmm it sounds epic but i don't know if i will be able to travel for a sess while i am still at uni. I Have three weeks left so maybe then.....but then again if you go to 7 pins we could come up and film you, that would be epic.
righto lads, I'm back, keen as for a skate, given that it's daylight savings and all, would it be a crazy notion to hit up blacko on tuesday arvo? I'm keen to mix it up a bit, find some new spots, any suggestions?
hopefully the weather is good. not long till newtons lads, i feel the need to step it up a notch!
sound like a plan
Hell yeah Blacko, I think i might be able to do it know
has anyone been out to the new estate at yass? pretty sure its called riverview. i saw ads for it on the tv. looks smooth and hilly. thinking i might get out there today if it stays dry.

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