ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

You have to be a rich pimp to afford to skate in Brisbane...

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Yeah I know I'm going to lose the case. But if worse comes to worse I'll still only have to pay a 100 dollar fine yeah? Unless the penalty actually gets worse then it'll be the same scheisser, different krapper. I'd really like to make this a REALLY big deal and point out to the judge though that the laws are ridiculous. It'll make a cool little segment for the film as well.

pete hill said:
dude best of luck in court, but queen street mall has signs up everywhere no push bike skateboards rollerblades etc etc, reckon your just gonna have to take it on the chin, as for this vehicle thing while i do not fully understand it they use the fairly new anti hoon (dickhead drivers) legislation, the way the legislation is written allows them to class anything they dont like, registered or not registered powered or not, as a vehicle yet again at their discretion, what was matts undoing that moved him from wheeled toy to vehicle was blatantly breaking road rules by crossing double yellow lines and his obvious lack of control.
Also it wasnt on the mall it was on that new section out the front of the casino. Does that part have signs? I dunno.
i dont think making a big deal about this will help any Australian longboarder out in anyway dude... chances are you will fuck things up further by making a big deal about it. They might think "hey shit we need tougher rules because these guys are slipping through loop-holes" which in turn fucks things up big time... Pay your fine, and keep skating... Like i said before (i know it sounds harsh) if u were slow enough to get caught and fined then you pay your fine and learn to skate faster...

Rules are there, and shit happens. When we get in shit, we pay our dues and keep on skating, thats how we roll. If we bitch shit gets worse
haha of course I coulda skated away man. I stopped and chatted to them and asked them to explain the laws to the camera. I asked if there was anywhere other than a skatepark where its actually legal to skate. I've had cops tell me not to skate on the footpath in the city too! I just wanted to see if they had an any answers and instead they got the shits and gave me a fine.

Jacko said:
i dont think making a big deal about this will help any Australian longboarder out in anyway dude... chances are you will fuck things up further by making a big deal about it. They might think "hey shit we need tougher rules because these guys are slipping through loop-holes" which in turn fucks things up big time... Pay your fine, and keep skating... Like i said before (i know it sounds harsh) if u were slow enough to get caught and fined then you pay your fine and learn to skate faster...

Rules are there, and shit happens. When we get in shit, we pay our dues and keep on skating, thats how we roll. If we bitch shit gets worse
this guy has a valid point, maybe some of you hero's should listen up, fitz also knows where its at, local councils / governments can and do write and rewrite laws and by laws to suit the current issues, make a big enough nuisance of yourselves and they will stop you in your tracks. generally farking it up for everyone.

Reply by Chris 2 hours ago
Ok so maybe this topic isn't radical, gnarly, or anti establishment enough to get comment. I'd like to raise a point though...

The Brisbane mall, are you retarded. Do you think you can beat the government??? do you think that your $500 board is going to outweigh the millions invested in maintaining our conformist society.

In previous generations (prior to 1990 -2000 for the younger ones) skin heads and punks used to battle in their hundreds in the mall with knives, chains and bats. the coppers managed to put those little insurrections down. I guess some of the older coppers are probably laughing about how piss weak things are these days.

Guys have been skating car parks and other places around Brisbane for years without hassle and without comment. Now we have a fad of skaters going anti establishment and f@#k the police.

Great, when you've drawn enough attention to yourselves, and the cops know where to look for you. And they warn the car park operators (which they will) and they put on more security guys, and none of us have a quiet skate spot anymore, and you've pissed off to your next radical X sport please come back occasionally to put your hand up and remind everyone that you were the dude.

Reply by Fitz on 15 March 2009 at 12:43pm
It's great to have knoweldge of the road rules but ultimately this grey area in the legal system works in our favour.

What we don't want is to flaunt our knowledge by skating where it's going to attract adverse attention with the public or authorities.
Once they discover the grey areas then there will be attention on the topic to revise these laws which could prohibit speedboarding entirely.

Basicly we still need to keep it underground for outlaw runs without being noticed in the public eye. Once we get authority to conduct competitions and ride days we can really drive it home to the general public how exciting and safe it can be.

Try sticking to quiter roads out of town where there is minimal traffic and even less houses and residents. It's the residents who have the most power when it comes to complaining because the fat cat poli's want their vote at the next election.
ha . it was worth getting the ticket just to stick on your film. shows the retardedness of society. but seriously pretend not to hear them, then bust a move out there, maybe throw in a look back to cross step just to show you aint phased by the man breathin down your neck. because if you are to do a runner it must be done with style.
Thats awesome that they put the model of the deck on the ticket, but seriously all this pig attention is not a positive thing my man, please don't head into the court with attitude just pay the fine and be done with it, the negatives v positives don't way up champ
Yeah , let it go, pay the ticket. Then make your money back by selling a Hi res scan of the ticket to Loaded to use as a graphic on one of their next decks.
I don't believe by taking a traffic ticket to court the cops would suddenly become more anti sk8 then they already are. If somebody takes a parking ticket to court the cops dont suddenly become anti people parking. Our legal system works on your right to contest things you don't believe are correct eg 'I believe you technically have given me the wrong ticket'. By contesting a traffic ticket you are not trying to change the constitution nor are you publicly saying that all cops are wankers. What you are saying is I didn't have any intention to do nor do I believe I was doing something illegal and I was given a ticket for driving a motor vehicle or beast while moving along on a 54" skateboard at 3km/h. sk8 rules are made to stop kids grinding public property unless you take some issue to the fact that this is not something you do then you always be lumped in with that group. When you sk8 down a hill, when you skate to the shops to get some milk, when you slalom in a park you will always be looked at as though you are grinding public property. This will not change by doing nothing at all or having a friendly chat to that officer because there are always another thousand or so officers behind him keeping the stereotype up.

All you say in court is this is my mode of transportation, I don't grind or damage public property in any way I just transport myself around like this and I believe I have unjustly been given a ticket
One Queensland law may say "A skateboard is not a vehicle".
(section 15)

Another one might say "A skateboard is a vehicle". It depends on the individual law and its own definitions.
This particular law within it says that skateboards are counted as vehicles (the Queen Street Mall act).
However, Anthony was not in the Queen Street Mall at the time. He won't have to pay the fine.

- Edward Fricker LLB
skate lawyer
Contesting a fine in the Local Court is likely to get about zero attention from anybody. The police who gave the ticket may not even show up, and the whole thing will be over quickly with no fuss.

If you're thinking that the police will be banging their foreheads, saying "Those damn skateboarders have foiled us again, we must now crack down even harder!", the more likely reality is that they'll be eating donuts down at the station and won't even know that the ticket was contested. And if they did know they still wouldn't give a shit.
going to court, fighting it with the right legal terms and walking away without paying it is a very different thing than "Making a big deal about it and getting good footage for the film"

if your going to take this matter further then i suggest doing the first option....

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