ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Hey, was just wondering if there's any boarders up in Cairns that wanna go for a cruise and maybe show me the ropes. I'm fairly new to the sport, but I'm not a complete noob :P keen to meet some young people interested in riding up here.

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i don't know if there are many Cairns riders here on ASRA. if you don't get any love here, ask some of the Townsville skaters. Ado at cre8tive sk8 may know of some riders up your way.

thanks :) i'm also moving down to melbourne for uni in a couple of months, anyone down there? What are the hills and roads like for riding?
there is definitely more crew in melbourne (Shaun Meaney doesn't count).
depends on what you are looking for in roads tho. are you interested in getting into downhill or just cruise the flats? cos melbourne has plenty of the latter.
i love cruising around on flats but i'm also interested in learning dh, so whatever melbourne's got i'll be happy with

After spending a lot of my time in Townsville, and having the opportunity to get up to cairns several times, it really surprises me that there isn't more longboarding or downhill up that way. 
There are some absolutely brilliant runs up there, just ask the lads from western australia. Before the last BTB they adventured up that way and got to ride some long runs. There are hills up there that do require some experience, but in saying that there are also some great little housing estates set on the side of the hills that have some good little runs to start to learn on.

You might be able to talk to the guys at Compound Skate on grafton street in the city.
They might be able to point you in the right direction. Or drop craig bond a pm and see if he has any contacts there.
The esplanade is always good for a cruise. 

im heading to cairns for a wee holiday thing with family. maybe we can sort out a skate day while im there?

i think im gonna be there jul 8-14ish
Hey Sabrina did I meet you the other day up there in Cairns?? Old Greg introduced us ? I saw a few riders up there cruzing around! I may be back up that way in a few weeks for more work and will bring a board up. Good to see you have the Skate stoke !!!
yeah that was me with old greg outside the didgeredoo (totally misspelled that) place. He's fun to talk with .) we took the risers off my board too a couple of days after. It'll be great if you can have a skate when you're up next, as long as it doesn't interfere with your work. Yeah i see some people cruising around, but apart from greg and chris (dont know if you know him, he usually rides round on his dervish) no one else really stops to talk. M0juu, sounds great! Will be awesome to have a sesh, lets definately organise something. Might talk to Adam at Compound and see if he wants to get some more people he knows involved if you want. Oh and Grits, Ive been round to Compound a couple of times, they ordered in some venoms for me. Adam was great to talk to, just didn't get round to asking him if he wants to have a skate some day.

Kind of bringing this thread back from the dead, but a mate and I skate fairly regularly in cairns at the moment if anyone's keen to catch up for a bit of a shred

Been skating the shed Mini ramp as weather has been bad on the hills last few days !   FSU  team


Im dropping by Cairns tomorrow morning, will be there Sun/Mon and Fri. anyone up for a sesh? got my slide gloves and helmet but no fullface/leathers so I guess strict DH is out of the question ;)
The road that comes down the range and hits the Captain Cook Hwy just south of Mossman looks likely. I drove down it a few days ago.

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