ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

OK, been here a couple of weeks and just awaiting my board and gloves in the mail. I'm looking for some like minded folks to skate with. Preferably those who want to slide but I'm up for a bit of all skateboarding antics.

I'm in Semaphore, Adelaide and have wheels (in garage) so will be able to get places. Even if you can't meet up if anyone can suggest a hill spot that I'm unlikely to get arrested on (reading post on corkscrew Road) that would be swell. Ultimately I'm looking for a friendly slide crew to share some stoke with.

I've seen plenty of boarders about so don't be shy

woot woot

Tags: adelaide, longboard, longboarding, slide, sliders, sliding

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thanks dudes - appreciate it!

Hello, if people want to get over to Eden HIlls for a slide session theres an ok spot I know, would be happy to share it. its not steep or gnar or anything, but its alright for a nibble and good for beginners. Smooth blacktop, no cars (apart from the odd resident- its a dead end street)

hit me up if you want to check it out.

Anytime pretty much. leave a message on here. my phone is broken so internet is the best way to contact me.

Hi, i'm Erika.  Ive wanted to try this for a while now but none of my friends are into anything like it so I guess i've never had the chance to give it a go.. plus i've been searching around for any clubs as such.. but nothing. I've skateboarded for prob a max of 5 hours... so yep i'm hopeless : )  but i'm glad i've come across this forum, hopefully to ask you guys if you know of anything out there for girls??



not heaps of girls doing it yet in Adelaide aye. i know of quite a few girls like you who really want to try it, but i guess they are a bit turned off with the majority of the crew in adelaide being dudes. be cool if all you girls could somehow meet up and start some sessions much like the sydney and byron girls are now doing.

talk to some of those girls - Lea Robbo would be able to give you some great advice.


some inspiration

Thanks.  I'll send her a message.   If those girls you know ever get something started give them my number..  0438086602.    Yeah how good's that video.


leighgriffiths said:

not heaps of girls doing it yet in Adelaide aye. i know of quite a few girls like you who really want to try it, but i guess they are a bit turned off with the majority of the crew in adelaide being dudes. be cool if all you girls could somehow meet up and start some sessions much like the sydney and byron girls are now doing.

talk to some of those girls - Lea Robbo would be able to give you some great advice.


some inspiration

Hello Mike, sorry missed this message, Eden Hills is good for me - not to far for regurlar hook ups and sessions. Damn frosty at the mo and a little drippy but let me know when you next session and I will try and be there. 0439539048 or just reply to thread.

Mike River said:
Anytime pretty much. leave a message on here. my phone is broken so internet is the best way to contact me.
Hi, Erika, sorry for the lack of reply, i was getting spammed by fake forum girls so i thought you were non genuine entity. I dont mind skating with the girls, me and Carlos (see previous thread) have regurlar hook ups and Carlos has a wife and daughter who both skate!!! Lucky man. My wife is learning but she needs poking (alot) to get her out and boarding. Im in the semaphore area of adelaide and my numbers 0439539048 or just reply to thread now I know you  are genuine and not trying to hack.

Erika Wiseman said:

Hi, i'm Erika.  Ive wanted to try this for a while now but none of my friends are into anything like it so I guess i've never had the chance to give it a go.. plus i've been searching around for any clubs as such.. but nothing. I've skateboarded for prob a max of 5 hours... so yep i'm hopeless : )  but i'm glad i've come across this forum, hopefully to ask you guys if you know of anything out there for girls??



Good video that. I am basically at similar level to those girls but I can technical slide too - i just dont look as good :(

Erika Wiseman said:

Thanks.  I'll send her a message.   If those girls you know ever get something started give them my number..  0438086602.    Yeah how good's that video.


leighgriffiths said:

not heaps of girls doing it yet in Adelaide aye. i know of quite a few girls like you who really want to try it, but i guess they are a bit turned off with the majority of the crew in adelaide being dudes. be cool if all you girls could somehow meet up and start some sessions much like the sydney and byron girls are now doing.

talk to some of those girls - Lea Robbo would be able to give you some great advice.


some inspiration

No not one of them, but I'm probably just as hopeless! I can do only the most basic, but I haven't had the chance to get to places to practice going downhill which is what looks the most fun. long did it take you to get the hang of if?
a great place to get the hang of going downhill is brownhill creak road! you should give that one a crack! my girlfriend has been playing around on a board a bit and i may be able to persuade her to come out for a mellow session!
true. maybe if you guys come across any girls or guys who are starting out let me know, and no pressure but if you wouldn't mind a bystander one day just to see what you do i'll be up for it..  again i know no one into it and i'm just so keen to try so thanks for you're help already.

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