ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

2 runs down newtons, slid once. No conage, 60 shipped

Tags: 4prez, otang, wheels

Views: 117

Replies to This Discussion

it's worth a try, and since your wheels are fresher then mine id be willing to through some moolah in there too.
still got the 4prez?
ry and brodie, sorry for the late reply but i've been busy, not looking for trades looking to sell.

dan, yes i still have them, are you interested?
interested in $40 and i will pick them up
hey G, four runs at zig zag on those 4prez i got off you- insta have to come skate this place mate.
$50 shipped?
i'll do 60, i'll be away till thursday so i'll pay then
still for sale
if your buyer falls through send me a message and I will give you the $60




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