ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

The Next Hill Climb Social Free Ride For Justin

Event Details

The Next Hill Climb Social Free Ride For Justin

Time: May 22, 2010 all day
Location: Noosa Hill Climb
Street: Gyndier Drive
City/Town: Noosa / Tewantin / Tinbeerwah
Website or Map: http://<…
Phone: Elliot - 0412099634
Event Type: fundraiser, for, little justin
Latest Activity: Apr 4, 2014

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Event Description

The Next Anti-Climb of the Noosa Hill Climb

The sequel to the successful Noosa Hill Climb Event

This is a fundraiser for "Little Justin"

Skate starts at 9am. Marshalling and Safety inspection at 10am. Races commence at 12pm midday.

$5 Registration per rider, donations just to Justin are welcome
Message me for registration
For all those attending.
In order to speed up the days races and shrink marshalling time, send me a message with your name, age and if you can help or know someone who can help with lifts up the hill.

Those three things.
Any very generous parents?

- The track -
Moderate hill, lovely turns and bitumen in the top half.
Can have alot of leaves on it, however i have emailed the council requesting the use of a street cleaner before our skate event.
Bottom half has varied qualities of bitumen, however most is silky smooth.
Last time the event was on it had rained the day before and there was a small stream flowing after a few corners, however the turning and braking areas for corners are well surfaced and streamless.

- Parking -
There is a medium sized dirt carpark at the bottom of the hill however, if we fill it there is plenty of space along the side of the Cooroy-Noosa Road.

- Food -

No facilities at the track.
There is a BP petrol station about 1km away towards Tewantin.
Recommended to bring food and snacks. Drinks would be perfect in a small esky, or a large one. Troubles transporting an Esky? Ask the Gympie Crew and look for their Esky Run video.

- Safety -
Helmet required, and done up.
Gloves required
Pads, leathers and other extras welcome but not required
Bring a broom/petrol blower

- Sun Safety -
Bring sunscreen, don't want beetroot coloured skaters.
Just look at that guy doing the "Long Treks on Skate Decks" video
I will provide a shade tent, anyone else that has one is very welcome to bring it. Same with deck chairs, don't bring one, sit on the ground.

- Lifts to the top of the hill -
I can do one car load, however, anyone that can help please raise their hand.

- Prizes -
So far, Early Skateboards are contributing to prizes. But the best bit is street cred.

More information will be added soon

Any problems just message me, comment or email

Hope to see everyone there!
Love it? Hate it? Skate it!

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Premium Member
Comment by Grits on April 27, 2010 at 14:32
Whilst everyone is to lazy to have a go at organising legit events, what we do will never come out of being an underground hobbie in australia. BTB could never be as an outlaw event, Newtons also could never be run as an outlaw events. Outlaws have their place, as a small community gathering, but on a bigger picture, legit events are the way to go.

For those that organise events, its hard work and a lot of stress, even on the level that elliot is having a go at.

You soon learn what you need - logistics, shelter, signage, safety items, and permission from the powers, food and water, sponsors. Most of all you need a bit of money, which a small amount of riders have but most riders don't.

ASRA needs a document that has guidelines on how to setup an event.
In no way am i saying asra is there to help you with your event, They are not.
You still need to do all the planning and organising yourself, just approach ASRA for the Public Liability Insurance.

Premium Member
Comment by Jacko on April 27, 2010 at 13:41
Europe is NOT like Canada or the US, the US is NOT like canada or europe, and also, canada is NOT like the US or europe... keep that in mind
Comment by Sakamoto on April 27, 2010 at 13:25
Was I there, YES, supporting the event, and alot of good came from that chat with the local copper. I also saved EVERYONE on the bus from getting a ticket, and the guys in the Snowies now have a local member of the Constabulary onside, and wanting to help.
Just trying to offer advice, not trying to "bring down" or critisize anyones efforts.
We are NOT the U.S, Canada or Europe, their laws, politics and geography is differant...totally differant mindset than Australia. Don't try and copy, be unigue and aware of the nuances of Australia and the way corporations and local authorities think.
Just my thoughts, guys, thats all...:)

Premium Member
Comment by Owen on April 27, 2010 at 12:35
outlaws must be organised and run they are a major part of what we do, look at the US, Canada and Europe. they all have outlaws and it allows those who can't compete in bigger events a chance to ride and learn in a race environment, they seem to hold many legit races as well, DH can't progress without both outlaw and legit races. I myself have organised an outlaw with Capital Dirty Downhill, and we will organise more of these in the future, good on these guys for doing this its hard to do.

Sakamoto it wasn't that long ago that you were talking to the cops about the bus load of people riding illegally in the snowies that you were apart of.

I'm not trying to slam anyone here but I think that both legit races and outlaw races need to be part of the future of DH in all its forms so that we can grow the sport like in other countries.
Comment by Sakamoto on April 27, 2010 at 11:41
At the moment, there are (3) three major legal gatherings in Australia, with two of them races and the third the biggest free ride this countries ever staged before, and two of these gatherings are on two of the best roads in Oz.
Ben, you are right, the efforts of the young crew needs to be supported and applauded, and beleive me it is, as these crew ARE our future. BUT, unguided enthusiasm could be as unbeneficial as no enthusiasm at all. There are "older", experienced organisers, as well as people in the political arena who have said they would help give direction, so please, guys, just take advantage of whats being offered, learn the ropes as far as organising goes, and take our sport into the future when us old farts are long gone.
Much is happening at the moment behind the scenes, but what happens now will effect how our future is written. Might sound a bit strange, but thats the picture, in a nut shell.

Premium Member
Comment by Benbro on April 27, 2010 at 11:12
yes organising legit events is definately the way forward,and riders like myself fully respect the efforts you guys put in to make it happen,but without goin in to the grass roots of skateboarding,local crews of skaters everywhere are occassionally goin to gather on there local hills and have a jam,call it an outlaw call it what u want..thats all i was saying,..last i checked our sport is still illegal,dont kno bout other states but atm,there are only 2 times a year we can skate legally in n.s.w,bathurst and moth,so when and how do we actually learn to skate down a hill, long can a spot like the hillclimb sit there,legally allowed to be ridden,and not be put to some use, these kids to a successful event and theyll get it right eventually,
maybe the biggest issue with this is the groms putting it out there,wanting to see their scene grow,instead of keepin amongst themselves, aint easy these days......

Premium Member
Comment by Kelly Carter on April 27, 2010 at 10:42
I'm flying up for the race!

Premium Member
Comment by Adam on April 27, 2010 at 9:59
Tyler is on the money, "This event has "SO much potential for positive media coverage". If it gets approval properly the local news channels will eat it up. That will allow the groms of today be the sponsored fully fledged competitors of tomorrow. Which is all pretty cool Elliot. make sure you take advantage of the expertise and people offering to help. Eg, ado and the corporate support, etc that he mentioned.

Premium Member
Comment by Tyler Johnson on April 27, 2010 at 0:18

As sakamoto has said there are sanctioned events in the works. There are alot of people putting in effort to have sanctioned events organised.

I disagree that outlaw events don't have an effect on legit events. The only way legit events can be started is through sponsorship. Bad publicity can kill future sponsorship. Companies don't wanna put their name on anything that will make them look bad it defeats the whole purpose.

Also where are these hills your talking about? There are not that many quality hills around Brisbane that are good enough to hold fully fledged events on. Sure there are lots of hills in parks, housing estates and main roads. But you can't hold events to the same standard on them. This hill is one of the very few hills in Brisbane that can support a full event. We don't wanna loose it. I don't think there would as much of an issue if this was on a hill that didn't have the potential that this one has.


Yeah mate all rides are rad but if we keep organising outlaws instead of legit events thats all we're gonna have is outlaws. I wanna see gravity sports get the recognition and the support it deserves.

As Sakomoto said this is a great cause and one that can bring great publicity to the sport and help with future sponsorship if done right. I wholeheartedly agree with this statement.

Look this event will go ahead and it will most likely be awesome. You will all have a great time while raising some money for Justin. But you gotta understand why a few of the other riders/organisers in the community get nervous over these types of events.

Tyler Johnson
Comment by Adrian Alderson on April 26, 2010 at 23:29
I'm pretty sure that you guys were offered a corporate face to approach council in a PM and that you haven't responded. The person who offered is well known to the various levels of Government and acts in an advisory role to the State Opposition.

Take her up on the offer and see what happens, that is how we got Beat the Bastard off the ground, not by running an outlaw, but by approaching the people we needed to talk to with a solid plan in place. It can be done and it is easier if you see them first, before you get shut down.

If you are worried about the cost of insurance, consider what will happen if a member of the public were to get injured by one of the racers.

My 2 cents worth, and yes I have put my time and effort where my mouth is and organised an event along with some of the others that are being told to do something (Grits, Sakamoto, ....)




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