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all the dirt on the canbrah skate scene!

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Aaron, that #4 drops about 300m in a 4km track. that's outrageous! holy shit.
I'm keen down for any trip depending on the timing. School is an epic bitch, and is also the reason why I can't come out this week. Will let y'all know when we can shred!
DW ash, i gromraged him.

Who's been out to Apollo Road? It looks pretty good, and is about 9.1km long, however the steep DH only seems to go for about 5km where it drops about 300m.
AND it's only an hour out of canberra! day-trip next weekend, ladies? 

Seems cool, but to use Henry's terms "a wee bit chunderous" ("abec 10 bearings" (doesn't exist), "ultralight trucks, tightened up real hard" hahahaha)

I'd still be up for it.


#2 and #4 that I listed could both easily be done in the same day...

Hahaha riffraff.
Yeah I'm keen for either #2 or #4.
This leads to Corin Dam, and has runs going in both directions, it kind of goes over a mountain.
This also shows that they race road-bikes going up it, so it's GOTTA be hotmixed, there are also youtube vids of it
Otherwise, lets go to Araluen! I've been there before, some mad turns on the way out there

King's highway has been talked of but it is fairly heavy trafic most of the time so it would have to be a dawn run as you say if it was to be done. It was recently re-surfaced though and widened at points so it'd be a good ride for the more experienced boys.


You may want to consider having a look at the other end of the snowy mountains highway too around Bemboka. Its fun in a car but can't remember the surface. Its close to the kings high way too (maybe 45 minutes to an hour apart) so could be hit in the same day easy.


From what I remember from my 4X4 days half the roads out at Araluen are dirt or in a poor state of repair so may not be skateable but certainly worth a look and its not far from the Clyde so it won't be much hassle.


What I have noticed is that the Clyde (kings HW), Araluen and Brown mountain (Snowy Mt. HW) are all close to each other so could make for a sick day trip with fish and chips at Batemans Bay. Just an idea. 7 pins is in the oposite direction but we could make a second trip to skate some of the runs up that way with Sydney and 'Gong crew.


I'll need at least 2 weeks notice for time off work so, yeah, best get a plan happening now. But pretty keen even just to be a driver.


Edit: Apollo has been done before and according to the Henry it is in fact chunder but skateable.

Aaron Baygell said:

Ok so I'm leaving the country in just over a month but want to get one last epic skate (trip) in.

Who's down? Here are my thoughts. I found 4 options:

1)People have talked about 7 pins or whatever it is. That sounds cool.

2)I've also looked at the Kings Hwy going to bateman's bay. Road looks epic! Due to traffic that would have to be a dawn patrol but I'd still be way keen.

3) Snowy Mt Highway. Same as #2

4) This bad boy.Looks absolutely insane. Can't tell pavement quality but I'd still be keen...can't be that bad. The vertical is huge, doesn't look too trafficked...and can you say gnar?


Anybody have any input? This would hopefully be a group thing...not just 2 or 3 people.


we used to rde apollo heaps before we knew better!

there are a bunch of runs out that way but all prettty rough.

the roads out at corrin are skateable, hell all roads are skateable, but they're rough, you can skate all the way from corrin forrest to the main road pretty much, but it's hell uncomfortable.

snowy mnts have good fun runs, but i'm not sure what traffic will be like, when does the snow season start?

the clyde is pretty full on, hell busy. 

we did a run near bombala that was pretty fun, long, not too gnarly but gnarly enough, do you remember where that was owen? it was good cause there was hardly any traffic.

i'm not heaps keen on 7 pins these days, pretty much don't want to die, and that can happen on that road....


Holy shit just fell asleep doing a programming assignment due tomorrow and henry posting on this made my computer make some shitty noise and wake me up, you legend.

Also I'd be so keen on this trip everywhere but you guys are setting this up straight in holy shit its finals time.

How about after all of this we organise something I can actually attend?


i think it was one of these squiggly lines, if i recall right the surface was pretty nice too...

I have ridden Corrin on gravity bikes about 10 years ago. Good hill, not sure how smooth but from memory there is a cattle grid about 1/2 way down that would wreck your day....


Sam La Salle said:

Yeah I'm keen for either #2 or #4.
This leads to Corin Dam, and has runs going in both directions, it kind of goes over a mountain.
This also shows that they race road-bikes going up it, so it's GOTTA be hotmixed, there are also youtube vids of it
Otherwise, lets go to Araluen! I've been there before, some mad turns on the way out there

The new highway from Canberra through to Nowra is now open. There is no dirt and new surface all the way. There are a couple of cool steep bits but I'm not sure of the road quality. I had a quick look last time through and some of the bits I was looking forward to riding had a nice new rough surface :(


I may be through on Sat (going to Wollongong friday night) so I'll have a better look if we come back that way. There is virtually no traffic out there, no chance of getting hassled and some long sections of nice new road, I think the steep bits that would be good to ride are however a bit rough...

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