ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

any offers considered

Views: 56

Replies to This Discussion

no it dosent....


reply to my comment and stop tryna sell this with false adverstising

Jordan said:

apex 37 carbon edition (only catch is it is slightly cracked) still rideable though actually slides and flexes better
screw you bring your stims tomorrow so we can tell this guys soon

Harry ONeill said:

no it dosent....


reply to my comment and stop tryna sell this with false adverstising

Jordan said:

apex 37 carbon edition (only catch is it is slightly cracked) still rideable though actually slides and flexes better
dont want a cracked board man
ill sell you my dervish flex 1 deck or complete, deck for 160, complete 230, setup with gullwing chargers and fireballs
any pics?
selling my apex 37 carbon deck for 200
where do u live?
need flex 1 man
oh u already replied to my thread, just messaged you
tom the board isnt in that good cond and its still really expensive so idk man and P K is the rayne a complete? i live in melb everyone
all it has is the usual cosmetic scratches and 230 is fairly cheap complete, considering brand new is 450 or something
i will have a think bout it man



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