ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Montacute becomes a road surfers paradise

STOP: Morialta MP Lindsay Simmons wants
signs up discouraging road surfing in Montacute.

DAREDEVIL teens on skateboards are illegally road surfing down steep main roads at Montacute, putting their lives and those of motorists at risk.

Hills Fleurieu Police have stepped up patrols of Montacute and Corkscrew roads, having already reported one teenager on an oversized skateboard two weeks ago.

Police traffic manager Sergeant Brian Schmidt said road surfing was “very dangerous and potentially disastrous”.

Morialta MP Lindsay Simmons called for No Skateboarding signs to be erected on the roads after several locals complained to her about the danger.

“Already there have been some near misses, which is why it was brought to my attention,” she told the East Torrens Messenger.

“One particular person was driving up the hill when one of the kids was coming down and this person was forced to slam on their breaks and swerve to miss the kid.”

According to Australia road rules, it is illegal to ride a skateboard on major roads with a continuous or broken centre-line or dividing strip or on roads divided into marked lanes for traffic going in the same direction.

Ms Simmons said the potential for a serious accident was “extremely high” because the skateboarders, who often came down the hill crouched or lying on their boards, often used the middle of the road.

“These roads have lots of twists and turns which makes them really popular for this kind of thing, but it also means cars cannot see the skateboarders coming down the hill. Apparently lying down is the brave thing to do, because you can’t stop very easily.

“It’s so dangerous it’s not what the roads were designed for.”

Ms Simmons has called for road signs in a letter to Road Safety Minister Michael O’Brien, who said he’d referred the matter to his department for further advice.

“This type of unsafe activity on the open road is extremely dangerous, not only to the skateboarders travelling at relatively high speeds, but also to the motorists using these roads,” Mr O’Brien said.

Residents who see skateboards being ridden illegally should ring the police on 131444.

Feel free to post a comment on their website: East Torrens Messenger

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we would just about fly on down before bathurst if you could get closed for a "training" day....Haggy , so well written ; and leading her by the nose to assist....nice
Bahhahahaahahaha road surfing. when i opened it i thought i was a new form of skating. its either skating or luging. neither is better than the other (no flamin please) and you cant surf on roads; just skate on them.
what a gimp
Haggy, Thanks for taking the time to get in touch with these MP's I am VERY surprised at the response! She's right, the hill thats being mentioned is closed every year for a hill climb which is coming up next month (weekend before bathurst funily enough) so it sounds like if we can get her on side it will make life A LOT easier to deal with the authorities.

Come on Adelaide guys we cant let this opportunity slip through our hands, we need to jump on this asap!

Thanks again Haggy.
but u dont want just ONE hill to be closed, there are several sick hills down there... get them all closed! yeeewww
We wanna meet up with her this weekend. She can tag along on a session. We will show her how road surfing is done and how it is done safely.
I would be very wary , if you agree to having legal places to train you may get one day a year . The other 364 days a year are off limits. Lindsay's reply letter is typical of a politician saying that she understands our situation note she personally doesn't offer any support only that dialogue between skaters the local community and police would be the best way to achieve any possible road closure. If you push for a safe training road you are shooting yourself in the foot by admitting that skating on roads could be potentially unsafe. ITS A TRAP
maybe take her to your shitest hill away from your good ones[katelin/reporter]..and do your piece with her there just incase the wrong message temporarily gets out about you crazed lunatics,and the heat comes a bit that way.....she is likely to get you guys nowhere as far as a road closure to legally ride goes....she might make the public more aware and thats probs it...u can flee and hide on your good hills if things get sour.....showin illegal riding may not help a.t,m...but if it all goes nowhere go back to how it was and bomb em outlaw style....emphasise the ''no where to train''bit and the worlds[newtons]...but be careful....
if its only gunna be a one day a year closure...fuck it..not worth the hassle................unless there was a race there on that one day of the year....gunna freeride anyway...your right,we are a minorminorminorminority....they dont care,.....they may see us as another way to raise revenue....up the fines,..patrol it...wouldnt be the first time...
I agree Judge but if they agree to shut down a road for you and then catch you ridin it the next week it may ruin your chances of puttin a race on in the future. I know negative guff but it could be similar to bathurst if a crew went up there this weekend and rode the hill??
The current situation is that 365 days are off limits, so this is a win. The only way it is a loss is if there is a crackdown on the other 364 days, but I doubt that will happen. It's more likely that the one legal day will be popular enough that there will be a push for it to be expanded into more days, and possibly even a race.
Duff said:
Haggy, Thanks for taking the time to get in touch with these MP's I am VERY surprised at the response! She's right, the hill thats being mentioned is closed every year for a hill climb which is coming up next month (weekend before bathurst funily enough) so it sounds like if we can get her on side it will make life A LOT easier to deal with the authorities.

Come on Adelaide guys we cant let this opportunity slip through our hands, we need to jump on this asap!

Thanks again Haggy.
yeah fa sure seen the signs up man would be truly awesome
Spoke to Katelin about an hour ago. She didnt really have any questions. It is quite hard to talk to people who dont talk back. Gave her a little bit of info on what we would like to see happen but i dont even know if she was really listening. She may be only 15 years old, thats how she sounded to me anyway. Internship?

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