ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Nick Mayor's Comments

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At 17:51 on February 17, 2010, Scott Poole said…
yeah sounds good mate
At 17:23 on February 9, 2010, Cooper Kruize said…
yeah man they are a great freeride wheel...
At 16:50 on February 9, 2010, Cooper Kruize said…
hahaha yheah i got them yesterday and i havnt been on them much but the time that i have been on them they have been great and im lovin them to bits.. sweet wheels
At 20:40 on February 8, 2010, Robbo said…
Normally 120 but I might be able to give you a local grom price
At 20:34 on February 2, 2010, Robbo said…
no probs nick
At 9:25 on January 26, 2010, Luke Strudwick said…
its great but haven't been able to ride in nearly three weeks it sucks
At 9:41 on January 20, 2010, Ryan 'RY RY' Peterson said…
i didnt actually play.....
and yeah got an MRI my leg is stuffed!
but i can sk8!
At 2:41 on January 19, 2010, GerardCancio said…
thanks man, glad you liked the video!
At 17:31 on January 14, 2010, Joe said…
Got it off the icaro website shipping is only 10 euros!!!
At 11:05 on January 14, 2010, Joe said…
The skyrunner is a sic helmet, super light weight and i like the reflective visor you can get on it.
At 20:17 on January 13, 2010, Ilan Aarons said…
it is bein ordered and shipped here soon :)!
At 19:55 on January 12, 2010, Myles Borchardt said…
o thanks buddy! well its a 661 full comp downhill mountain bike helmet, i got it from the local bike shop for 130 dollars, and put a custom face shield in and tinted it for 5 bucks, If you get one ill e-mail you the face shield template!!
At 0:32 on January 6, 2010, Joe said…
Hey dude, I got it online from a mountainbike store in melbourne, was only like $100 shipped. Then i made the visor for it. I've got an icaro skyrunner now so i don't use it at all really.
At 16:50 on December 25, 2009, Cooper Kruize said…
mm yeah i got them really cheap i dont know how much it is going to ocst plus postage....
At 20:18 on November 29, 2009,
ASRA Admin
Jack meyn
looks good hey!
At 19:21 on October 6, 2009, Nicholas Peterson said…
ohh, thats who you are


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