ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Victorian Skateboard Assoc. - Recognition of ASRA as the National Skateboard Racing Organisation

See the NEW Longboarding-Slalom section of the VSA website

"There are races and slide competitions on just about every weekend across Australia, and competitors can earn points for the Australian Skateboard Racing Association (ASRA) national ranking system.  ASRA is recognised by VSA as the national sanctioning organisation for downhill and slalom skateboard racing.  The ASRA website contains plenty of information on how to ride safely, organise races, and contains a forum so that you can hook up with others in your area for sessions and competition.  ASRA is also affiliated with the International Gravity Sports Association (IGSA) and helps to promote Australians competing internationally in a rapidly growing sport.


Note: the VSA is recognised by Sport and Recreation Victoria as the key skateboarding organisation in Victoria, and VSA is also recognised by the Australian Sports Commission. 


VSA and YMCA have provided years of support to MOSS events including the MOSS slalom events, and is looking forward to being a part of this years MOSSjam and Slalom event.

VSA will also be working towards improving the curriculum of the schools programs to include road safety and longboarding skillsets.


VSA asists the Victorian Skateboarding Community by forming meaningful working relationships with industry and community stake-holders, and ensuring that a strong Victorian Skateboarding voice is able to be heard at State and Federal Government levels.

All Victorian Longboarders are invited to join VSA, and in doing so will be helping to support VSA's ability to represent skaters by extending the membership base to a truly representative level of skateboarders.

ASRA now has a pretty good friend!

Views: 188

Premium Member
Comment by PC on September 30, 2011 at 23:19

Great work Bernie. This could be the start of a beautiful friendship.

Hope to see more events getting off the ground with some backing from VSA, & ASRA of course.

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