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ASRA Slalom Rankings

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For an Event To Qualify for ASRA slalom points:

Announce the Event by posting the details of it in the ASRA in events page at least 30 days prior to the event. (Then link facebook events to that post)

Run the race.
There must be a minimum of 12 racers for slalom skateboard races (16 for Downhill and 8 for luge races).

Post the full results on the Event announcement page within one week of the end of the race, along with a report of the race and some photos (Podium pics are good).

The results must include people's full names (no nicknames!) and their placing.

See also ASRA DOWNHILL Rankings Criteria

Qualifying Slalom races must comply with Slalom rules set out here:

ISSA Slalom Rules (2020) Updated

Note Categories are listed in the rankings spreadsheet.
To encourage activity, without undermining Premium events, a new category has been added for those events with less than 12 people, and no interstate entrants.
So if the event has less than 12 but more than 8, you will earn the minimum points for category 7, however, if you have interstate entrants, who have traveled with the expectation of an event with more than 12, then category 6 will be applied to the event.

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Premium Member
Comment by Dave M on October 25, 2013 at 18:43


The ranking system is a joke. It is a participation ladder. I am way ahead of where I know I am in the real life rankings.

We need to go back to the way it was done in the past and have the major races included and counting only a limited number in points tally.  I am all for getting more to events but I am more for seeing the true talent rewarded for results. Perhaps keep the ongoing ranking system if people want some justification for attending but award points for dedicated CHC races.

Posted this on FB but it should be here, the home of SKATEBOARD RACING

ASRA Admin
Comment by duddy on July 9, 2013 at 18:08

yer pix your upsetting people with out doing a thing... that's the way.. just wait till bugs gets back boys & he'll fix it up for ya's..haha

Comment by Boomerdog on July 9, 2013 at 12:33
No comps from 2013 have been added yet, bullen, Bathurst x2 & Wollongong...
Comment by Mark Gorman on July 8, 2013 at 22:32

Still  3 or 4 comps to be added to the rankings,, a few Catigory 1s, and a few of last years to be removed, when Bugs gets it all calculated there is going to be a major reshuffle of the table

Premium Member
Comment by Benbro on July 8, 2013 at 21:48

yewww pickles killin it!!!!

Comment by Boomerdog on March 31, 2013 at 20:25

points update please from the king of the ditch event 4 weeks ago..thanks..

ASRA Admin
Comment by Bugs on December 15, 2012 at 21:29

Space Race 2011 is 12 months old, and therefore drops out of the rankings. With no more races in 2012 we can crown Marty Kent as the 2012 champ. Congratulations Marty.

The top 10 for 2012:

1 Marty Kent 2,191
2 Nick Sable 2,099
3 Hamish Cheyne 2,046
4 Ryan Nicholls 1,887
5 Colin Beck 1,845
6 Braden Schlager 1,828
7 Bernie Griffiths 1,817
8 Paul Carey 1,815
9 Glenn Mills 1,778
10 Wayne Humphrys 1,665

ASRA Admin
Comment by bernie on December 3, 2012 at 14:41

Go Victoria!

Now lets see some of the other states step it up with lots more slalom events in 2013

QLD, SA & WA.....that means you!

ASRA Admin
Comment by Bugs on December 3, 2012 at 13:50

Yarrah Ranges has been added, and we have a new Number 1: Marty Kent from Melbourne.

ASRA Admin
Comment by Bugs on December 3, 2012 at 10:03

Ainslie 2011 and Stromlo 2011 are now 12 months old and drop out of the rankings, making for some big changes.

And there'll be more changes when the Yarrah Ranges results go in...soon.

ASRA Admin
Comment by Bugs on November 21, 2012 at 15:39

The Yarrah Ranges event will be included. And so will any other event as long as there's one month notice etc.

Comment by martin kent on November 21, 2012 at 15:13

is that it for points racing this year or is 2nd decmber race added to those points

ASRA Admin
Comment by bernie on November 13, 2012 at 14:45

Well done to Boomer & Bugs, proving again that a trip to Melbourne is always worth the effort!

on 2nd December there will Downhill & Slalom points down here just for the taking!

ASRA Admin
Comment by Bugs on November 13, 2012 at 9:50

The two MOSS Jam races of 2011 have been removed, and have been replaced by the two MOSS Jam races of 2012. Big changes - Jacko drops from 1st to 11th, Boomer regains 1st place.

ASRA Admin
Comment by Bugs on October 22, 2012 at 20:35

Some big changes in the rankings...2011's Wadalba and Kincumber races are removed cos they're over 12 months old, but they're replaced by 2012's Kincumber and Warnervale.

Jacko takes top spot and there's all sorts of movement. The top 16 ranked riders have all raced at least six races in the last 12 months. Lots of changes to come in the next month as big-ranking Canberra and Melbourne races will drop out and be replaced only by the upcoming MOSS Jam races.

ASRA Admin
Comment by Bugs on October 1, 2012 at 13:36

Stromlo and Ainslie results have been added.

ASRA Admin
Comment by Bugs on September 4, 2012 at 13:46

Pump Station GS is one year old, and is removed from the rankings. 

ASRA Admin
Comment by Bugs on August 5, 2012 at 18:35

ASRA Admin
Comment by Bugs on July 29, 2012 at 20:30

PC's Fast 50 has now been added. I'm back in the top 10, so all is right with the world.

ASRA Admin
Comment by Bugs on June 23, 2012 at 17:54

Dulwich Snake results have been added.


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