ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

From a campaign in the UK to raise awareness, and get drivers to watch out for Cyclists.


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I saw the cyclist. But then I am one, so maybe that's why.

This is the first video. Gets me every time.


Wow Bugs! That was cool!
ahaha love that video bugs

"Why car drivers wont see a skateboarder on the road!"


Because they're all bank robbers?.....


Bugs, that video is genius.

Yes Dave,

on certain planets all Car drivers are in fact bank robbers.

Gotcha. Must play hell with their financial systems...


The first add is heaps more effective. I can see what they were trying to do with the bank robber ad but I don't think it works so well. Still, any extra awareness of non-vehicle road users is good.


Apart from the punch line at the end, I wonder if the Dancing Bear clip delivered the campaign message as effectively as the one with the car and cyclist in it.


Doesn't do anything for me i need to see emotion all i see is a wannabe movie director who is stuck in an advertising job. I was once a cyclist and have been run over a couple of times and had some very close calls all of which were my fault. I think educating cyclists would be far more effective. Possibly introducing bicycle registration and a bicycle riders test to ensure that all road users are fully aware of the road rules. And skateboarders where do they fit into all this?

If anyone cant see the point in using a short film about cyclist being hit by a car, I apologise, unfortnately none of the wannabe movie directors have created a film about skaters being hit by cars.

The film is about what drivers expect to see on the roads that they must give way to (cars buses, trucks, cops etc), and about what they often overlook, ie cyclists and now due to the exposion of the longboarding thing.....Skaters.

Skaters present a similar shape to that of a cyclist, ie tall and skinny(or short and skinny when in a tuck), unlike a car which is wide and low, and many drivers through habit or training are not used to looking out for tall skinny objects moving towards them at speed. 

 There are a few posts on this site where skaters have had near misses, cars pulling out, failing to give way etc.

The point of putting that clip up is that skaters who ride on the road should not be at all surprised when a car backs out of a driveway, or leaves a parking space, or changes lanes, or goes through a round about, and blocks their path, or worse collides with them, then says that they did not see them, cause the driver was simply not looking for or expecting to see them. 

Many cyclists and motorcyclists have learnt through bitter experience that to most car drivers a you are completely invisible right up until you hit the side of their car, that they just unwittingly put into your path.


Skaters that ride on the road, should consider themselves to be completely invisible to car drivers, and ride accordingly.

That is the point of this post.


Good post Bernie. 


I've got a few hundred (maybe over 1000 now) km's of skating on the road under my belt and this is good advice:

Skaters that ride on the road, should consider themselves to be completely invisible to car drivers, and ride accordingly.

We had a couple of drivers on the back roads on the push to Canberra that would swerve into the wrong lane and honk their horn in anger, which was purely because even in the middle of nowhere on a flat road, they didn't notice us until the last second and its obviously surprised / shocked them.


In saying that i still like to give a mouthful to drivers that don't see you, in the hope that they'll be at least more observant in future. I know i almost side swiped a motorbike once, and from then on I triple check my blind spots for motobikes... 

but yes assuming all drivers can't see you is the best advice. 

This is why I got bright green leathers!! 


Well, not really, but they definitely are high-vis.  When Trav and I skated to Canberra we tied fluoro strips of material to our backpacks.  Motorbikes, like bikes and skaters, are hugely vulnerable to pull-outs and the "I didn't see you factor".  The reality is most drivers just look for other cars, trucks, 5-0, etc...


Oh, and the dancing bear vid is fantastic!

well I can only hope I am not skating by a bank robbery in progress..... I can totally understand how my safety isn't the biggest concern to a bank robber.

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