ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Sydney downhill does not exist. No one skates down mountain roads. Everyone here sticks to the suburbs and local bombs. There are no good downhill runs in sydney. Everything is flat.

Please do not ask where to go skateboarding, because we dont know. We dont actually skate in sydney, we all ride scooters...

...Nek Minit

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are we rolling robbo, lets get this organised, i wouldnt mind doing hawks again, but if we are rolling on thursday it should be quiet noth for maybe kiera and sir bradmans dr, what do you want to hit bugs, give us a call on 0404 344 505. got a new helmet to try out too.
if there is a ride happening on thursday can some one sms me the time and address on

0433 853 365.

im keen to chuck a sicky and make it there to take some shots.
Tomoz is a goer, meet at the top of the Bissell at 830am
Riders: Me, Bugs, Guff, Rob and Ms Rob. Bozac stretch your break from Uni out, all others are welcome.
anyone keen for a ride thurs or fri?
paulus said:
anyone keen for a ride thurs or fri?

You betcha. Rough plan is for Thursday...somewhere near north of Sydney...?
Thursday sounds good, Pie or Hawks?
yo im keen,r u guys thinkin pies for mornin tea or somwhere else..?i dont care where,im there
How does 10 at pie in the sky sound boys?
Benbro, could we do the same thing as last time from brooklyn that worked well.
whereever this is happening can someone sms me the address. and ill be there with the camera again


Dude start a bit earlier maybe 830-900. Gabriel Im getting a lift from bugs, get to Kings Cross station by 730am and Bugs will give you a lift. Have you got a ph yet you useless f@#k??

Also I'm at the Hop Shop for the next hr if anybody needs anything
Change of plan. Hawks Hairpins tomorrow, Gabriel if you want a lift be in the city by 830am. If you don't reply to this I will assume you aren't coming and we will not be picking you up

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