ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

I ordered 2 boards off skate on haight and im getting them shipped to Australia....I put number number down as lets say 0412345678 should i of put it down as 030412345678???
and for anyone who's used the site how long should my order say processing for? :)
Thanks everyone.

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I dont know.


i do not know either

your local skate shop might know the answer.

Support ya locals, screw overseas shops.

It will get here. They wont ring you. They might send it soon if they haven't already, and if they really need to contact you, it will probably be by email.

Shipping can take 3 days to about a month.

This is my experience with overseas shops. Not just for skateboarding, but general stuff too.

Hey guys thanks for the help from the majority of you
I got a call from them this morning and its being shipped today! should take 7-12 days :)
I've found a good local site for my next buy but i really didn't have the money to pay that little extra for local gear sorry guys :)
Hey guys thanks for the help from the majority of you
I got a call from them this morning and its being shipped today! should take 7-12 days :)
I've found a good local site for my next buy but i really didn't have the money to pay that little extra for local gear sorry guys :)

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