ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

The other day my friends and I had all our boards stacked up in the school office for safekeeping, and mine was on top of the pile. I went into the office to get something from my teacher's desk and there was this sketchy shortboarder kid sitting in there near our boards, on detention or something. Next time I go in, the kid's gone and so is one of my damn bigzigs. Turns out he stole it and chucked it on his way out of school that afternoon.

It's been found and returned now with minimal damage, but it still pisses me off.
The guy did it purely because he doesn't like longboarders.
Anyone else have this problem where they live?

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yet dani its still so relevant


Good result Oscar,

Now that you have broken the ice, the next thing to try would be to have a skate session with them.

show em how to slide, get them to show you how to drop in.

we all skate...right????

And shortboarders have feelings too Rob.

I have to agree with you on this one soo much :D i get so many looks from skaters! just cos they are scared shit less of going fast :D

In 2009 shortboarders were cranky because longboards were unusual, now they are cranky because there are more longboarders than shortboarders. Anyway I usually ride a short longboard (slalom board) which really confuses em.

I agree with dani there a kids at school that always bag out me and my mates, even so much that the time one of them made a DC demo to get sponsorship I asked how'd it go and they simply started saying your a long boarder fag don't comment. But both are hated by most of society so why argue, I try to be nice but it gets really frustrating

Dani said:

Skaters hating on skaters, it's like blacks hating on blacks. Minoroties and people who cop shit from the general public by default need to stick together. We all roll, we all fall, we all lost skin, break bones and eat shit.

The above isn't a case of ''street skaters vs longboarders'', a ton of skaters are both of these, and more. The above is a case of a bunch of kids acting like wankas to prove to the world that they have a big dick, which they don't because they are kids. Once the balls drop and they have more important things to worry about like jobs, bills and un planned parenting they wont give a shit anymore and neither will you.


Living well is the best revenge.

Hop, please send Alex some stickers for his deck.

Alex, when you get the stickers, tell'm you are Hopkin sponsored!


Any way, they were dreamin....DC shoes don't sponsor skaters any where near as much as they used to, cause they now spend a heap on sponsorship of motorsport.

alex edmondstone said:

I agree with dani there a kids at school that always bag out me and my mates, even so much that the time one of them made a DC demo to get sponsorship I asked how'd it go and they simply started saying your a long boarder fag don't comment. But both are hated by most of society so why argue, I try to be nice but it gets really frustrating



skaters gotta..

peace, love & SK8*



Benbro said:

no,they kno longboards are the shit and are to scared to step on somthin that goes that fast and has no kick,most longboarders were once a shortboarder and alot still are to some degree,real skaters appreciate all forms of rad skating...i luv a halfpipe every now and then....speed is better than kidflips for me....a few of the best d/h skaters and slalom skaters are also rad bowl/vert skaters....skate or die

check this out, out slide jam event on fb the 2 making fun of it are kids at my school..

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