ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association


evo Deck - $90

Big Zig (lime) - $20

Otang inheats - $25

Bone Swiss bearings - $20

RJays missile 2 - $30

Brand new hd gopro - $69.69


Must sell all

in next 48 hours

leaving for Aleksandrovsk - Sakhalinsky


Views: 119

Replies to This Discussion

go pro is mine

pm and shitt

Spewing I would have grabbed the go pro, is this legit?

I call Bullsh*t

I'll grab the Big Zigs + In Heats

but at that price im worrying, either these have been ripped off, are in the shittest condition known to man or you are a very nice person, send us a pm if your keen

oath mate give us pics

im guessing pay today, post tomorrow or you can just get on a plane with free money? if this is legit id take :

Big Zig (lime) - $20

Otang inheats - $25

Bone Swiss bearings - $20

RJays missile 2 - $30

Same unless you got a coal mining contract or work at the port, Wikipedia reckons it has a population of 12k so its a bizarre place to move


haha just saw that on wikipedia aswell, i doubt its a real sale

Bozac said:

Same unless you got a coal mining contract or work at the port, Wikipedia reckons it has a population of 12k so its a bizarre place to move

sooo.. you like stuff?

oi shotties on the inheats or zigs ;)

can give you money whenever i see you next man!



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