ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Hey guys,

Just wondering if anyone has any experience on the new S9 DHers? I have been looking at the Daisy but no Australian shops stock it yet. The only reason I actually have any knowledge of the board is becasue of concrete wave and heelside(Ads). Anyway, I have been researching like crazy but have come up with nothing. Any info or pics would be greatly appreciated!


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they rule beyond your wildest dreams. i dont think any shops in oz have any right now but that shouldnt stop you from getting your hands on one! the Daisy is pretty damn epic with the drop platform and rocker, if you want a standard top-mount with great concave and many options for wheelbase get the Brandy (thats what i ride) or if u want a symetrical drop-thru get the natasha

Yeah they look wicked. I can't wait to see them in the flesh.
I know Extreme Skates in Brisbane has ordered them so they shouldn't be long, providing they arrive on time.
Give them a call to put your name down for one if you'd like?

you should check out the s9 tiffany if your looking at the dh division IT IS A AMAZING BOARD!

Cheers mate,

They should expect a call from me very soon!

Thanks again

Elliot O said:

Yeah they look wicked. I can't wait to see them in the flesh.
I know Extreme Skates in Brisbane has ordered them so they shouldn't be long, providing they arrive on time.
Give them a call to put your name down for one if you'd like?

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