ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Well it sounds like Matty is going to need a bit of help financially and I think as a group instead of carrying on we should dig into our pockets and help the grommet pay off a harley that he aint gonna get to ride....

This really could of happened to any of us no matter what you ride so lets band together as a solid force and help out our fallen brother..

So go and grab your gear out of the cupboard  and spread the love, everyone wins, you  get to help out someone when they're down, all the crew can pick up some cheap gear and the proceeds go to Matty.

I'll chuck in a set of 75m lime bigs zigs (new) for $50 + shipping

So buy some cheap gear or donate to the auction, it all helps.

Come on crew, it's your turn!!!!

The auction is now LIVE here:
Help Matt Rae - buy stuff at this auction

Tags: auction, matt rae, matty rae

Views: 683

Replies to This Discussion

leeso you are a champ, great idea will go through my gear and see what I can give. or get as the case may be.
thank you soo much leeso, me qnd my family are all touched by your kindness to even think of this.

got a brand new Lacey, still in plastic wrap. lets start that one off at $150.

1 set of Metal Core 4pres 80a - $90

1 set of new loaded Race gloves (i think they are small, will double check) - $70

T-Shirt bundle with SCBS shirts, Loaded 'Monster' Shirts and Sector Shirts (will double check sizes and will post photos soon) $40


i say everyone post up what you got to pool in, and then when theres a solid amount of gear start a new thread containing the auction with photos and descriptions of items

I'll take the zigs!


Can I pick up from you leeso anytime soon, or easier to post?



I'll take the shirts if they are large.





its an auction tim, and it hasn't started yet.... I will look at what stuff I have lying around to throw in for auction. Hope you are on your way to a full recovery Matti
How about a complete for the auction? Lets say a Nemi with buyers choice of trucks and wheels (within reason (;-)>  ) proceeds to Matti. Get that auction happening boys.

I haven't got much spare gear but will pledge to donate some cash.

Get well soon Matti

hey jacko, can i take the lacey now for 150$? or are u going to make a auction pool later?



yeah boys thats what i like to see....we'll have a week or so to get the gear together then like jacko said we'll start a new thread with pics and discrip's and let the bidding begin...

we already have 2 decks 1 complete, race gloves, several wheels and shirts..

we need more though harley's ain't cheap :)

Why doesn't someone design a shirt for Matti (like we did for Murr when he smashed himself) and then sell them to ASRA members. I'm sure that we could get someone to print them for a reasonable price then flog them for like $30 each. If everyone on this site bought one we could buy a new Harley. I'm thinking the graphic would have to be something Harleyish with some sort of quote (Murrs was "Just when I was awesome" which is what he said as we got him off the hill). Henry, got anything fitting that Matti said at the time?
Yep it's pretty simple. Let's give it a week for crew to think about what they got to throw down, post it up, pool it all together and then start the auction and let each item run for a week or two. Either way those details can be decided soon, either way now it's time to band together as brothers and help the poor fucker out.



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