ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

hey guys
me and my bro have been dh for about 3/4 of a year, we are using 40 inch and 48i nch pintails
we live in noosa and we do the range road frequently.
we are getting some good vault dropdown boards soon.
so could anyone pls tell me were some good spots are and how did you learn to do the spins

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speedvents are an awesome wheel but i think u'll find the bigzigs to be a better allround wheel, which is what you want to start off with.
otherwise consider the Orangatang In Heats -
it pretty much says the same thing in the desciotion as the speedvent
so i am not sure but the speedvents look better
if u want speedvents, go for it. i have no experience with the 75a's, but what i can say is the 79a and 83a speedvents i have feel harder than what the duro suggests.
when i got my evo (first board), i was running 76mm, 81a flywheels. they were amazing and still are. the best thing about them is they wear so damn well and they are so versatile. to me they are the best first wheel and allrounder.
so the speedvents won't do?
or will it just be harder tolearn these basics
how do u even do shut down slides and all of that cause me and my bro just skate together and we try to learn as we go
but will it still be possible to learn on the speed vents
good point there kooky. but i don' know about gumballs. bit sticky to learn to slide on me thinks.
ur best bet is 76mm 81a flys or 83a/79a Black Ops Speed Vents
both wear down very slowly so you won't need to buy new wheels for a long time and both slide out smoothly and predictably.
i found that speedvents have very similar riding characteristics to flywheels, despite the Bigzig shape. but because of the shape, the speevents have a little more grip where you need them. so maybe you should think about getting flywheels for one board and speedvents for the other.
sorry kooky, but the speedvents aren't as grippy as you may think. a better "thrash" wheel than the bigzigs in my opinion and experience.
yes, you will still be able to learn to slide on the speedvents.
yeh i got my eye on the speed vents and my bro is going for the lemon/lime big zigs
do u mean trashy that it will be a good learning wheel and that it can take a beating
yep. some wheels don't wear as well as other for various reasons, type of thane, shape etc. both the flywheels and speedvents wear very well from my experience. the bigzigs are pretty good too, but can sometimes chunk.
i you get speedvents, make sure they are Black Ops and 77mm version. actually boardshop only has the 75a black ops speedvents. hopkin has the other 2, so you may aswell get all your wheels from there. it is cheaper too. remember that hopkin sells them in pairs, so you'll need to add 2 quantities to ur cart for a full set of wheels (it explains why on the site).

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