ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

hey guys

i don't know if any of you knew, but i'm building a jet powered luge, i got a website and blog of what's happening and photos of the build, i'd be stoked if you had a look and chucked your five cents in also if you like :)



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That's really cool, what sorta trucks etc you planning on running? And where?

if you read the blog you'll understand why i won't say what trucks i'm running :) where is another story, when it's done i think i'll worry about it then hehe


You been in touch with Joel King from UK? he holds the world record for jet powered luge. hes got loads of knowledge on that stuff. good luck!

Mike River said:

You been in touch with Joel King from UK? he holds the world record for jet powered luge. hes got loads of knowledge on that stuff. good luck!

Yeah we chat often, but he's no longer the record holder, it was broken about a month ago now.


you are a crazy cunt Daz! mad project. I hope you plan on investing in a fire proof suit too. 

yeah i'm working on a suit that can with stand fire and a crash at 500kph, sounds like a joke but i'm actually not kidding hehe. it's going to be kickass!!!


Pretty sure Duff man can do fire proof suits. Jet powered luger supported by a luger. Get some!

Haha a movie! Maybe not with a head like mine Craig lol but I would be up for a head to head with Joel king, there has been talk ;)
Yeah that would be cool dani, but i'm already sorted with leathers, they will take a few months to be made because of all my customised mods, I can't wait to get them.

Now to work out how to strap a turbine to a downhill board hehe ;)
Haha well it's a nice thought but the fact I can't even get a wheel sponsor onboard might elude to a lack of intrerest from corporate sponsors, hell if I owned a wheel company I'd love to claim there the fastest skate wheel in the world, as far as doing it right, at this point in time it's all done on my own dollar and i'm doing it as right as I can afford, I never set out to get rich or famous, just bring attention to gravity sports in Australia, unfortunately my dollars are getting very thin, I mean very thin, so if you know of any possible sponsors I'd be more than happy to talk with them :) I haven't even been asking for money, just product I need for the jet luge.

I appreciate the feedback it's good to see people carry the stoke :)
thanks craig, i appreciate any help i can get dude :) i got all the major cost covered, ie: motors, board, it's more the little things i have found i'm running out of money for, like wheels, bearings, venue and ambulance rental hehe, i am open to selling naming rights though :)

the motors alone cost me over $32,000, the board without a body $10,000, then there is electronics and fuel which all adds up, but hey! how many people can say they have ticked off a life goal ;) i love every minute of it.


hey guys though you may like to see the latest pics of the build :)


sounds cool where are you going to run it

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