ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Ok so ive been in California for a few days chilling with Louis Piloni, James Kelly and Dubes, hanging out and skating and i tell you what i have seen some incredible skating going on in the past few days its not funny. The first session we had was up in the malibu hills... we started skating at about 3000ft high and finished at sea level. just a cruisy t-shirt and skid lids run with many many corners. After a while we dropped into Tuna Canyon (for those who dont know this road its a windy, gnarly one-way downhill run that tests your sliding skills and separates the boys from the men) and i was absolutely blown away by the riding i saw from James Kelly, he was riding half of the hill switch, just busting big 180's and taking on the turns with speed checks then switching it back, he was riding so fluently in both stances that it really blew me away. Then i followed Louis down the hill and the lighting fast speed he was getting was just nuts, he was hooking into these tight and gnarly turns so fast and so controlled it was pretty insane, one slight wrong move on this road and its very unforgiving. I have never witnessed riding like this first hand before, it was such an amazing sight to see.
The next day we i did a film shoot with James up in the malibu hills on Mt Olympus. This is a very very steep and long section of residential runs, and James was jamming out on his downhill board. The first run i followed him down in the car to see what sort of moves he was gonna do so i could figure out how to film it, and hes casually carving and speed checking at around 50k's, then goes in full tuck, gets some speed and busts a massive drawn out 180 power slide (stand up style, on his avenger) then busts another massive 180 back into regular stance, and rode it out like nothing ever happend. He then continued to do this down the rest of the hill. It was nuts...

After riding with these guys for a few days it really gives one inspiration to go out and start trying things like this and pushing the limits of longboarding. They are proving what is possible on our boards and that the limits are able to be pushed, all one needs it commitment and dedication. I can see these guys really pushing the sport forwards in many different ways and making the whole 'freeriding' and just general longboarding scene really start to take over and have a big impact on the rest of the skateboarding world...

Ive got some fucken epic footage so far, i will start editing it when i get home

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I'm inspired just reading about it!

Aussie Aussie Ausssie
io io io!

Carve em up Jacko
cant wait to see the footage
oh dammit now i feel like i gotta try switch riding
y could they stick to going down hills fast lol
hey was that a standing 180 well past 50k's?
i'm inspired too. go you good thing!!! i bet you impressed them as much as they impressed you.
its hard to imagine anyone better than the best riders i've ridden with (ie. you and the Queenslanders).

how did you go at the "Goldrush Challenge" Jacko? looks like an awesome course. what did you think of it?
the goldrush track was sick. pretty tech course with fast straight aways. i wasnt really on my game that day and got bumped in the first round, was pretty devo but hey thats racing.

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