ASRA - Australian Skateboard Racing Association

Yeah umm can the police/rta fine you if you sped past a speed camera on a longboard? Coz i went past one in a 60 zone and im prety sure by the way i was overtaking a few cars i was not doing 60 especially when a guy down the bottom said "mate after the speed camera i tried to catch up to you and i was doing 70 and you were still getting away (just)".   

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you may get a fine in the mail when they read your number plate.

just a stupid question or are you just pointing out that you went past a speed camera doing some dumb shit.

no im worried that because there were cars behind me the camera may have thought they were speeding but then they'll complain it was me in front plus its a hill ive never done before and i had no idea there was a speed camera there...

never mind my mate who lives near the hill just told me the camera isnt operating yet so im all good 

no worries, no ones getting booked.

I would be more concered about doing those sorts of speed in trafic.

Not good attention for longboarding

you definetly have a problem,.,its called grom clog

see thats the thing its in a new estate where there is well literally no houses and normally no cars i happened to skat there on a day when people were looking at a show house only about 10-15 cars only overtook 3 of them they were the only ones on the road now that i think about it its the stupidest place for a speed camera coz well theres a massive retaining wall blocking it then its only got about 3 seconds (if your doing 60) to take the picture  

Dave M said:

no worries, no ones getting booked.

I would be more concered about doing those sorts of speed in trafic.

Not good attention for longboarding

You talk way too much shit Alexander. Stay in the army

haha gotta agree with both benbro and craig

wow you're like so awesome



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